Too much BASHING


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
There has been way too much bashing lately on subjects like Religion and Political leanings for my taste.
I didn't think that my forum friends would stoop so low and I am disapointed by the lack of understanding and prejudice some have shown.
Take a DEEP BREATH, READ and think about your post before you hit "submit". Don't try to hurt, just hold back and don't post a response. Thank you, and you know who you are!
Originally posted by de7xwcc@Jan 21 2004, 01:20 PM
I try my very best to be civil to everyone, sometimes stupidity gets the best of me and i just explode.
I have not found your posts offensive, but I tend to just read and ignore things that make me b****
Originally posted by kat2220@Jan 21 2004, 10:56 AM
There has been way too much bashing lately on subjects like Religion and Political leanings for my taste.
I didn't think that my forum friends would stoop so low and I am disapointed by the lack of understanding and prejudice some have shown.
Take a DEEP BREATH, READ and think about your post before you hit "submit". Don't try to hurt, just hold back and don't post a response. Thank you, and you know who you are!
:( I am another one who has had to clamp my jaws shut over some of this stuff recently. I tend to veer away from the political/religious posts as a rule of thumb. As much as I like controversy, those subjects are often a no-win situation. :(
Okay. These are my feelings on this. Kat, you make a very valid point. This all started some time ago, and it is really starting to aggravate and irritate me to where I don't even want to read ANY posts that concern religion and/or politics. But I am a moderator on this forum. Therefore if I am the only one of us online, then I have to baby-sit the words that you folks post. Majority of the time, I don't have to lift a finger, except to post my own personal thoughts and comments among the various threads. THEN, there are times when I have to jump from topic board to topic board because we have some jackass troll who feels the need to see just how many posts he/she can get either a) edited or b ) deleted. I get tired of doing that, but that is my problem and not yours. Where it does become your problem is if YOU become the problem. The posters here are of all ages, religions, and political affiliation (or affliction as some of you see it – right, left, down the middle of the road, I don’t care!). I have absolutely now problems with a civil discussion regarding age, religion or politics. What I do have a problem with is the fact that someone doesn’t share the same views on a particular subject and instead of stating facts and/or just agreeing to disagree, they feel the need to just trash the other person’s opinion and then the name calling begins; ignorant, idiot, stupid, etc. I could go on, but you have all read them or heard them. Folks, those words are insensitive, and should be used with GREAT CAUTION. Now, this business of calling someone out on the carpet about a post they made and starting a whole new thread solely for the purpose of this is childish. You should be ashamed of yourself. You were the ONLY one who verbally stated that you had a problem with it until you began your little tyrannical thread about it. I actually took the post you are referring to as a “tongue in cheek up-yours” to the troll who started posting the Islamic stuff. You opened up a completely needless can of worms. I certainly hope that you are elated with yourself. And as far as that one little sentence stopping someone from registering at this board……..I doubt that that will stop someone from becoming a member. As far as setting bad examples, you might want to go back and read some of the posts that you have made. You are a teenager who thinks and speaks above and beyond your years of knowledge and experience. Don’t try to grow up and live too quickly. You never know just what you might miss in the long run. When you graduate from high school and become one of us working class folk, you will hopefully decide not to wear your feelings quite so close to the surface. I will end by saying this…………………
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
stepping off soapbox.
I dont really give a Horses radish anymore. I'm just tired of it now really.
I try not to get in to the Rrligion and Politic thing. But sometimes I just cant help myself. Must be the evil side of Gollum. :D
Good post Maj. Well reasoned. Moderating this place has GOT to be a thankless task. But from my little corner I will send a big 'GOOD JOB' out to you folks! Now lets all kick back and have some fun on here! :cheers:
Thank you Maj and all the other mods for all the work you do! This place is made so much better for the work you do!! Hang in there and like 97 said---let's have some fun here. :)
Great job Maj. You are more tolerant than I am. But you keep US knotheads with tempers under control :D
I guess it's time for me to wade into this pond. Like Maj, I keep a close eye on what's been said. I don't post in every thread, but I read everything. Like Maj said, it's not fun chasing trolls out of the building. But, that's what we signed on for and that's what we will continue to do. I'd like to thank those who help keep this place sane . Namely, those of you who post in a calm, orderly manner. We all get carried away at times, and like a family we all have our disagreements. Regardless of your views, you can always learn from someone else. It's going to be a long season, so let's all remember to be nice. Certainly state your views, but do so in an adult manner.

Thanks for listening, I'm off my soap box now.

Remember, the mods are here for you. If you need to discuss something, we are only a PM away.

Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.....
Originally posted by majestyx@Jan 21 2004, 02:54 PM
As far as setting bad examples, you might want to go back and read some of the posts that you have made.  You are a teenager who thinks and speaks above and beyond your years of knowledge and experience.  Don’t try to grow up and live too quickly.  You never know just what you might miss in the long run.  When you graduate from high school and become one of us working class folk, you will hopefully decide not to wear your feelings quite so close to the surface.  I will end by saying this…………………
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
stepping off soapbox.
Arright, hold on, hold the damned phone, people can insult me and I cant defend myself? Ok, I cant cuss while others can? I cant start a thread asking a question while someone making a thread about who ate a damn cake can do it. I cant defend my views just because I'm 16. From the first day I registered, everyone of you was on my case.


Tell you the truth, I'm tired of being told, I'm growing up too fast... blah... blah... I cant have my own opinion, you just insulted me right there and while Im disciplined someone else gets off scott free, I'm tired of this bias thats shown against me just because I'm young or I havent been on the forum too long. Others have set worse examples then I have, you look at them and stop pointing all your disciplinary actions at me.

You know what, because it's been done so many times, I dont give a damn anymore.
P.S to the mods, do as your heart tells you, thats my own philosophy anyways
NW and Maj, and ALL admin and Mods..... I, for one really appreciate the job you're doing, as I am a mod on another undisclosed forum.

I only meant to express my displeasure with some who have posted and not all.

Back to the regular mode now.....not pizzed anymore *sigh*.

Group Hug!
Kat :wub: Gollum!


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No. You need the hold the damned phone. If you took what I said as an insult, then I am truly sorry. It was certainly NOT meant in that way at all. I have NEVER said that you can't voice your OPINION. What you CANNOT do is call someone an idiot, ignorant or stupid because of something that they said and you didn't like it. I have had numerous complaints about your ARROGANT young self. I have let you slide on numerous things, and the more eggregous I have called you on. I have even made it perfectly clear to you in PRIVATE, the errors that you have made since you slid into town. If you want to play games, come on. I can play along with anyone. You have admitted on several occasions that you didn't exactly start off on the right foot with some of the folks here. So don't play all innocent with me, young man. If you have a problem with a post, you make it know to a mod in a private PM. DO NOT DO IT ON THE OPEN BOARD AND USE THE POSTERS NAME!

Now, please continue to utilize this board for conversation. NOT confrontation.

End of discussion. Take or leave. Makes me no nevermind.
Happy are you the only one allowed to express their opinion. I think not--this is a free country where we are allowed to express and believe what we want. You will learn with age what battles you can win, and which ones you need to leave alone. It seems you want to have your "cake" and eat it to. Anyone who doesn't see things your way is just not in your league. And sorry to remind you--you are 16, live with it. Maj was pointing out that some of the people on here have ACTUAL life experiences that you do not. They have a different opinion and they are entitled to their opinion---you don't have to like it----just like they don't have to like yours. In other words GET OVER IT If want people to respect you it goes both ways. I've enjoyed most of your posts on here, but it seems you like to get in over your head then start the games. Enough is enough.
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