Okay. These are my feelings on this. Kat, you make a very valid point. This all started some time ago, and it is really starting to aggravate and irritate me to where I don't even want to read ANY posts that concern religion and/or politics. But I am a moderator on this forum. Therefore if I am the only one of us online, then I have to baby-sit the words that you folks post. Majority of the time, I don't have to lift a finger, except to post my own personal thoughts and comments among the various threads. THEN, there are times when I have to jump from topic board to topic board because we have some jackass troll who feels the need to see just how many posts he/she can get either a) edited or b ) deleted. I get tired of doing that, but that is my problem and not yours. Where it does become your problem is if YOU become the problem. The posters here are of all ages, religions, and political affiliation (or affliction as some of you see it – right, left, down the middle of the road, I don’t care!). I have absolutely now problems with a civil discussion regarding age, religion or politics. What I do have a problem with is the fact that someone doesn’t share the same views on a particular subject and instead of stating facts and/or just agreeing to disagree, they feel the need to just trash the other person’s opinion and then the name calling begins; ignorant, idiot, stupid, etc. I could go on, but you have all read them or heard them. Folks, those words are insensitive, and should be used with GREAT CAUTION. Now, this business of calling someone out on the carpet about a post they made and starting a whole new thread solely for the purpose of this is childish. You should be ashamed of yourself. You were the ONLY one who verbally stated that you had a problem with it until you began your little tyrannical thread about it. I actually took the post you are referring to as a “tongue in cheek up-yours” to the troll who started posting the Islamic stuff. You opened up a completely needless can of worms. I certainly hope that you are elated with yourself. And as far as that one little sentence stopping someone from registering at this board……..I doubt that that will stop someone from becoming a member. As far as setting bad examples, you might want to go back and read some of the posts that you have made. You are a teenager who thinks and speaks above and beyond your years of knowledge and experience. Don’t try to grow up and live too quickly. You never know just what you might miss in the long run. When you graduate from high school and become one of us working class folk, you will hopefully decide not to wear your feelings quite so close to the surface. I will end by saying this…………………
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
stepping off soapbox.