Top Ten Things Only Women Understand



Here it goes: :p

10. Why it's good to have five pairs of black shoes

9. The difference between cream, ivory and off-white

8. Crying can be fun

7. Fat Clothes!

6. A salad, diet drink and a hot fudge sundae make a balanced lunch.

5. Why discovering a designer dress on the clearance rack can be considered a peak life experience

4. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made

3. A good man might be hard to find, but a good hair dresser is next to impossible.

2. Why a phone call between two women never lasts under 10 minutes

and the Number 1 thing only women understand:

1. OTHER WOMEN! :lol:

I loved this and laughed for a while! :D
Seems like some of my usual cleverness should come thru but so far no luck....How humiliating.Frankly,this topic is beyond my understanding. :eek: :eek: :eek:
saladdietdrinkivorycreamoffwhite5pairofblackshoes!!!!IT CANT BE UNDERSTOOD!!!!!MY HEAD HURTS! :unsure: :eek:

WHAT ARE FAT CLOTHES??????????????????ARENT SCALES RIGHT??ARGHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh.....................
Fat clothes are the best!! Us women can have good days and bad, the bad ones call for fat clothes! Just think if you put on 5 lbs over night, would you want to squeeze yourself into a pair of jeans--that's why we call them fat clothes! But don't worry the next day you 'll be in your regular clothes--life as a girl is great :wacko:
Five pounds overnight?Fat clothes?They fit today and not tomorrow?How is this possible?I mean,I have been married to a few and ya'll do that,sure.....but reveal the secret.How is it done?And why is it necessary??Ya'll should have never ate that apple....

"Thou mayest eat any fruit here but not that one yonder"...

And what did Eve do?Eat the ONE she was told not to!

' sorry Adam...a snake told me to do it'...yeah right.Uh-huh.Ok.See,THAT is why women are weird!Lovable but strange.
What's strange to me is that Adam ate it with out question! My question would have been----the snake told you too, why is a snake talking! But of course he didn't he just went along with the program!

I'll let you in on a little secret 97--it's called bloating!
Bloating---uh--of course it is!I knew that all along,y'know.Yep...I knew that!Defined as simply: weighing five pounds more today than you will tomorrow!

All of you suffer from it.Very,very weird concept to us creatures that maintain a steady weight from hour to hour. :p
I'm not going to touch this one.

I'm not going to touch this one.

I'm not going to touch this one.


Guido!Old buddy...together we weight maintainers can still save face!Just PRETEND you understand what she is talking about!
Where's my backup girls! I may need to explain this slowly--but then again I might as well give up, he's probably watching tv and not paying attention anyway :lol: I will try by best tomorrow to make a break through! Gotta head to bed now, and sleep off those extra lbs! See ya later gator :)

Guido you know you want to :ph34r:
Be VERY CAREFUL MALES, Kat has PMS, a GUN, and WILL HURT YOU! :dual9mm:

Great post sgbg! :bounce:
Originally posted by 97forever@Sep 19 2003, 10:26 PM
Not PMS!!!!The three most hated letters in the Martian alphabet!I am gone folks! :eek:
Sorry 97, but YOU didn't understand "fat clothes" and "bloating"? :owquitit:
They all make perfect sense!

Men will never understand the concept of gaining 5 lbs. overnight, and losing it the next day. Not in a million, zillion years.
S :p heeesh, I wish I had saved the email my daughter sent kinda 'splais men!
If men had to go through a tenth of the stuff we do a month, they would cry like babies! <_<
If women only knew what a typical day in our lives was like :rolleyes:
I am glad I was not online last night when this little conversation was going on.... B)
C'mon guys and gals...there's no comparision...hehe. Men and woman have their own little obstacles/battles to overcome on a daily basis...hehe. Men worry about their stomachs and woman worry about their men not being more understanding towards woman. :D
Originally posted by sgbg88@Sep 19 2003, 09:16 PM
Guido you know you want to :ph34r:
Yes, I want to....but I won't. :p

Sometimes I amaze myself with my self-control.

Or is it just fear of the wrath of the female? :lol:
Now we were only having a little fun last night! :) I know we all have our "little" things to deal with, keeps life interesting!

Guido you are very wise to fear the females! :lol:
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