Tough time.


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
I'm emotionally drained.

For those who don't know (99.5% of the forum), the area I was raised in was very intoxicated. I've always had a negative disposition towards alcohol, for lots of reasons.

Since I don't drink, I don't normally go out with those that do.

I changed my mind tonight. We were all celebrating the end of the semester.

I had to help carry a limp body out of the bar. It was a coworker- not one I knew well, but one none the less.

They took her to the nearest apt that we could. Everybody else is a professional drinker, she'd never been out socially before and didn't know her limit....just 3. So 2 of them are taking care of her (one nearby was called in since she's sober, so there'd be a girl present for modesty's sake).

Anybody that knows me well, knows I worry about my peers. The fact that she passed out in my nothing but just short of traumatizing.
I couldn't sleep last night. Showered, went to bed, just tossed and turned.

Got a text from her at 3AM, we talked till she went back to sleep at 4:30 [I passed out shortly after]. Heard from her again around 10am, but not since. Figure her phone is probably dead.
Rookie mistake. Many of us have been there before :(
spent some quality time talking with her again tonight. She said she's overdrank herself before, but it's always been with her close friends. She's embarrassed that it happened in public, but grateful that she was surrounded by a caring group of people. I don't think she'll be drinking that heavily again anytime soon, and I say that for multiple reasons.
Hope your right but if she's done it before she will probably do it again.Now that she knows how you feel about it she may try to hide her drinking from you now.
Hope your right but if she's done it before she will probably do it again.Now that she knows how you feel about it she may try to hide her drinking from you now.
or she just doesn't eat. That can happen.
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