Tough Times


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
I got an email from TRL, thanks for noticing my absence :) .
I haven't been feeling very social lately. It seems like everything is going wrong at the same time.
My mother is real sick. She has been in and out of the hospital since November and she spent the entire month of February in the hospital. 20 years of peritoneal dialysis has taken it's toll on her body. Initially, she did not tell me how serious it was because she did not want me to worry. On Feb. 5th she had a mild stroke. She regained use of her right side (except for her face, a little) and she was released from the hospital on Feb. 25th. She was home for only 4 hours and she had a heart attack (just happened to be the day I left for the Vegas race).
My step-dad retired on the day that my mom had the stroke because he did not want to leave the hospital. They brought a recliner in the room for him to sleep on. He began taking dialysis classes so that he could operate my mom's machine in the event that she could not do it herself (he's a hell of a guy). While my mom and my step-dad were away from home, their house was broken into and burglarized. The burglars beat up the dog and got away with jewelry and money. Fortunately, the burglars did not vandalize the house.
My mom is home now, but she is very weak and she knows that she is not going to get well. She has been on the donor list for 10 years but now she is too fragile to undergo a transplant even if she did get the call.
It has been a tough year, so far.
On March 16th I had to put my dog to sleep. She was having trouble urinating when I got back from Vegas. I took her to the Vet and they said she had a bladder infection. She did not respond to the antibiotics so I took her back for an ultrasound. They found masses on her liver and in her bladder (and performed a biopsy). They said that there was nothing that they could do for her. She was 11 years old. It's very lonely here without her.
As you all can see it's been difficult. Sorry for the long vent...
Thoughts are with you, BF. We had to put our doberman down 2 years ago due to prostate cancer. Sorry to hear about family, those are tough times. Just stay strong and work with what you have on your plate, before you add anything onto it.

I'm so, so sorry. I hope and pray things will get better for your Mom and all of you. There's nothing harder than worrying about a loved-ones health, esp. when it's so serious. Pets are such a part of the family and out-living them is the worst part of having them. Then to have the house broken in on top of all of the rest has got to make you feel terribly vulnerable, worn out, ticked off, you name it! I've been in some similar situations the last couple of yrs and it seems like just as you start to catch your breath and get a little calm, things start up again.

Take care and sending you major positive thoughts & prayers.
thoughts and best wishes are with you bobby. that's a lot to endure in a short period of time. only time, as is always the case, will make things better.
Bobby, if you need to yell and scream, we are here. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Your step-dad sounds like a wonderful man --- both of you will need all the strength you can muster to get your mom well.

Kellogg brought it to my attention that you'd been missing, so I sent the email. I wish I'd noticed sooner that you'd been missing. :(

We'll keep the light on in the window for you.
Sending thoughts and prayers your direction.
Thoughts and prayers coming your way BF. So sorry about your dog, as someone said already pets are part of our families, I have been through that also and I hope you find comfort soon. I believe there is a Doggy/Kitty heaven, she is romping in the wide open fields now :)
I pray for your Mom and Step Dad also, and just know you are missed and can vent anytime you want, we will listen.
Thanks everyone for all of the kind words of encouragement and for the support. It means more to me than you know.
Continued thoughts and prayers for you and the family. We're open 24/7, so if you need to talk, we're here to listen.
Prayers and thoughts for your mom and you..
Glad you have a good support system with your step-dad.. That makes a huge difference.

Good to see you back..
I'm with everyone else here. We're here for you if you need an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. Positive thoughts headed your way. And, as the saying goes........God only gives you what you can handle. Or something like that. ;)
I'm with everyone else here. We're here for you if you need an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. Positive thoughts headed your way. And, as the saying goes........God only gives you what you can handle. Or something like that. ;)

Thanks very much. It seems that faith is all that I have that is positive right now. Gee whiz, I must be getting old; I've never been this emotional in my life :eek:
Don't worry about getting emotional. Sometimes letting go is the only way we humans can cope with all that's happening --- particularly if it is stuff we can't control.
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