Trapped miners...


Team Owner
Jan 3, 2002
Northern VA
All of the miners that were trapped in the mine in Pa, were rescued this morning. I'm watching the last miner being pulled out right now on CNN......Truely amazing......

Its nice to see some good news on T.V. every once in a while....
That was one incredible drama to watch playout. The guy reporting on CNN was a treat to watch. I loved watching his reactions. Pure joy and disbelief. TV news at its best. heers to the miners and their families!!!!!!!! :)
Interesting to me (I am a uniionist) Rivera reporting that these guys make a "decent" wage, and that only 42 miners lost their lives last year. I guess decent means that if ya want to own a home and send yer kids to college, yer wife has to work to make ends meet.

42 lives last year. Lives that most of us never even knew about. And thank you God it was only 42. We lost 5 guys on just one recent high-rise hotel here in Vegas. Word from construction management was that it was less than expected. On one of the latest large projects here in town, we've already lost one man, and another will probably never work with his tools again.

We joke with each other about what's the worst that can happen. Well, Mama's gonna have to find a new daddy fer yer kids and we're gonna have to find another fool to give yer hardhat to. And we go to work.

Is it any wonder my heros are men who cheat death?
Kinda makes ya wonder how baseball, football, and other "sports heroes" can live with themselves....
55 degree water, and 3 days in it is a miracle. It just goes to show how tough those guys were. Unbelievable that they all were ok.
fergy1370, you are SOOOO right. I've often thought that myself. They get paid MILLIONS to go out and play a sport that millions of people play every week for FUN, and you've got firefighters, policemen, construction workers, and miners risking their lives everyday so that they can barely make ends meet.....unreal
glad they made it out........wasn't to hopeful for awhile considering how long and the water temp...but glad they got out safe and sound...............

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