TRL, for you


Kurt Busch fan
Aug 2, 2010
Kennewick Washington
If you don't like spiders, here you go...

Too much work --- just smash the sucker with a shoe. Then clean up the mess. :D
That's my wife's modus operandi. She yells , spider, then I hear thwack from a shoe. Usually if I go look I'll be lucky to see a couple of legs. :D
I'll never understand the fear bugs cause. Yesterday morning we work to a small wasp in the house. I got the fly swatter, very gently coaxed it to land on the paddle and walked it outside where it flew away. No big deal ... but the boys were amazed at how quickly I could train a fly.

Normally I keep several wasp nests and a bunch of spiders in the garden ... and they keep my fruit bushes bug free. This year, my spiders greatly disappointed me. Lost the entire gooseberry crop to some little green bastich worms. They didn't eat the fruit .. they stripped the bushes of leaves. Nothing left but immature fruit and twigs. Needless to say, I've had to have strong words with the spiders.
It is more of a yard spider thing I guess, good for this time of year here where the big ones are all setting up webs all over the place.
It is more of a yard spider thing I guess, good for this time of year here where the big ones are all setting up webs all over the place.
And I have some humongous spiders in my trees. I have a bicycle flag stuck to the front of my 4-wheeler --- so it catches the webs before they hit me in the face.
And I have some humongous spiders in my trees. I have a bicycle flag stuck to the front of my 4-wheeler --- so it catches the webs before they hit me in the face.
I can only imagine they are worse in Texas then here in Delaware.
You play sewing machine I raise nuclear grenade launcher
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