Truly an honor



I'm such a great guy, Dixie Outfitters made a t-shirt in my honor.

I'm so proud of you!


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Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Mar 29 2004, 02:25 PM

Is that you on the front?
Nope, that's actually Third Cousin Four Times Removed Travis. (Personally, I think he's been removed from more than four places, but that's what Momma says he is.) They said something about licensure and Actor's Guild fees and a few things about stronger disinfectant whatever that is, and Travis happened to come waddlin' by on his way to the compost pile up the road a piece. That pho-tographer feller took one look at Travis and plum near passed out. Then, when he got woke up right good again, he commenced t'snappin pichers of ol' Trav. Trav was a right smart bit ticked off at first, but once Momma assured him that the flashes really didn't trap his immortal soul he loosened up some and the rest of the day went pretty good.

So we worked out the compromise that it'd be Trav's pichers and my name on the shirt. My agent says I stand to turn a decent chunk of change on the deal, but that ain't what matters.

I kept the movie rights. :p
Can I gave your autograph, EMP? B)

Be sure to tell cousin Travis to look both ways before crossing the road. :eek:
That is a nice shirt.. does it come in any other colors besides white? It would be really cool on a dark blue or even black
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