HELLOOOOOOOO!?!?!?!? Are we having such an epidemic of stupid that we need to have a special report on how to use turn signals???
Guarantee more accidents are caused by someone failing to use their turn signals than people driving 60 mph on the left lane on I-95 in a 55mph zone.
HELLOOOOOOOO!?!?!?!? Are we having such an epidemic of stupid that we need to have a special report on how to use turn signals???
The focus of driving seems to no longer be on driving itself. The growing trend of juggling many activities while driving leads drivers to neglect their blinkers, police said. With fewer officers, police however, have not been able to make stopping this action a priority, authorities said. Their focus remains on aggressive and reckless driving.
Guarantee more accidents are caused by someone failing to use their turn signals than people driving 60 mph on the left lane on I-95 in a 55mph zone.