Two RCR sponsor's contract up at end of 2004



Cingular stays with RCR or is out of NASCAR: it's not a lock that the team [RCR - Richard Childress Racing] will have three primary sponsors next season; RCR's contract with the #30 car's sponsor, America Online, is up for renegotiation. Cingular sponsors the #31 car currently being driven by Robby Gordon. And if they want to stay in NASCAR as a sponsor, the 31 car is their only option. NASCAR's sponsorship contract with Nextel prohibits competing telecommunications companies from sponsoring cars. Previously existing sponsorships such as Cingular's were grandfathered in, but the sponsor may not leave to sponsor another car. Cingular has been extremely supportive of Gordon — but if AOL leaves, will Childress try to get Cingular to take Burton instead?

(USA Today)

I don't see Cingular or AOL leaving RCR.
I think AOL was really looking forward to the end of this year because after 4 or 5 different drivers the team never really hit its stride. But now with Burton there this could be AOL's dream driver. But if AOl leaves I remember GM Card would come sponser the 30 car.
I do not think AOL is going to leave. Do you really think Jeff would have left a spoonseless team that he has history with to go to another team mid-season where the sponser may not return?? I bet that was an assurance that Jeff needed before he moved there.
hmmm i wonder if cingular leaves , where they would go. thatd be cool if they could get an irl car to be sponsered by cingular.
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