Two Stupid Questions


The iRacing Guru
Sep 29, 2009
Ok, so I have two stupid questions about NASCAR.

1. How do they decide the numbers? In the local racing scene and in go karting, it's first come, first serve. Is it the same way in the Top Tier of "stock car" racing?

2. What is "checking up"? I keep hearing that phrase over and over about drivers "checking up" and I have no idea what it means.

Thanks for your help!
Ok, so I have two stupid questions about NASCAR.

1. How do they decide the numbers? In the local racing scene and in go karting, it's first come, first serve. Is it the same way in the Top Tier of "stock car" racing?

I guess since most numbers are taken, it's first come first serve on any remaining numbers. We have seen certain drivers or car owners want a specific number in use and some money will exchange hands to get that number. But NASCAR controls all the numbers, the owners get to "lease" them.

Ok, so I have two stupid questions about NASCAR.
2. What is "checking up"? I keep hearing that phrase over and over about drivers "checking up" and I have no idea what it means.

Checking up is when a driver is in the gas and gets out of it to avoid running over another driver. Note sure where the term first came from, but I've heard it almost all my life.
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