Tough work, picking the heavy favorites in every game.

GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh wait, different
Oh jeez Paul, now you want to pull for the opposite teams I'm pulling for. Well so far, yer 0 for 1. Personally, I don't feel that the Noles should have been in this game, but they were the ACC champs, so.... NC State was a better team this year than FSU. But since you think that I pull for the favorites, I'm pulling for Iowa tomorrow night and OSU the following night. I am sure neither of them are favorites, so if UGA wins as favored, and USC and Miami win as favored, we'll be tied at 2 apiece. How bout dat! We're even. :)
to bad bulldogs are so expensive, i would love to own one
Originally posted by FANOF5
to bad bulldogs are so expensive, i would love to own one

5r, there is a Bulldog Rescue site! just do a search for Bulldog.
Most are adults.
my son is 26 months old and he slobbers too lol:D i will definately check out that website. my buddy just bought a bulldog pup and loves her ...................
5r, most dogs on the rescue sites are adults from other parts of the USA. Greyhounds make wonderful house pets!

If you really want a doggie, go to the local pound and find a puppy or kitty. Remember to look at the size of the puppy's feet cuz the bigger the paw, the bigger the pup will grow.
Gotta go for fsu I am all acc except fror them tar holes
This is not the first time FSU has gone into a bowl game without a real quarterback. I could hardy watch it.
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