Unescorted Prisoners Traveling From Jail To Jail

this will end when one of them commits a violent crime while in *government custody* and the victim sues the a$$ off of the BOP. so much for cost savings.
That's not much of a story. There is a reason that the prisons have a bus stop in front of them. It is so those inmates who are in minimum security, like he was, can go to work. They go to the bus stop, take a city bus to their job site and then ride the city bus home. This isn't much different except its a longer bus ride.
I hate to admit it but my younger brother did time. White collar, no violence involved. He was in minumum security and it was like the barracks I was in during basic training. He took the bus back and forth to 'work' everyday. I could, and did, sign him out weekends.

Violent criminals aren't allowed the same luxury.
I hate to admit it but my younger brother did time. White collar, no violence involved. He was in minumum security and it was like the barracks I was in during basic training. He took the bus back and forth to 'work' everyday. I could, and did, sign him out weekends.

Violent criminals aren't allowed the same luxury.

Someone was telling me that you used to go to the Women's Prison and sign them out for the weekends also. I guess that's one way to get a date... :D
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