wow, i really didn't know you can't take trash from the City dump if it was City property. I just called ABQ police and I have to call a substation tomorrow. Thanks for making me aware of this. If I had posted it on ebay and some one from the City saw it I might have been in trouble. It's an old sign they must have taken down when they re-did the road some years ago but I have to turn it in.
"Probably not a good idea to post that."
No, it was a good thing. I don't want to do something illegal or wrong because what you sow you will reap. That's what I believe anyways, so I see this as very good.
I just looked up cool hand Luke LOL "What we've got here is failure to communicate"
Probably $300 and 3 months. You could end up being the next cool hand Luke for stealing that thing and then posting the evidence on the internet.
Good job FB, now you're posts are getting people tossed in the slammer!
Welcome to the forum , Gary , we need somebody honest to help mediiate .speaking of Newman, saw Exodus today .. pretty boring movie though
Welcome to the forum , Gary , we need somebody honest to help mediiate .