Vegas Weekend


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
WooHoo! Leaving for Vegas after work today. I have family in North Las Vegas so I don't have to pay the inflated hotel costs. My cousin and I will be at the track early Friday morning. 3 days of racecars and tailgating :beerbang:
WooHoo! Leaving for Vegas after work today. I have family in North Las Vegas so I don't have to pay the inflated hotel costs. My cousin and I will be at the track early Friday morning.

Is honcho going with you?:p

3 days of racecars and tailgating :beerbang:

3 nights of women, booze and gambling! :beerbang:
WooHoo! Leaving for Vegas after work today. I have family in North Las Vegas so I don't have to pay the inflated hotel costs. My cousin and I will be at the track early Friday morning. 3 days of racecars and tailgating :beerbang:
As many rooms as they have in Vegas they feel it necessary to inflat the room prices??? We always stay at Bally's when we go out there and they have over 2800 roms alone I believe. There are over 124000 hotel rooms in Vegas and I have no idea how many motel rooms. To inflate the price is pretty low buck IMNSVHO.
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