Waiting patiently

If it takes Spike much longer I may go ahead and pick someone as soon as he posts this week's game (if he does) instead of waiting for everyone else to make their picks.
If it takes Spike much longer I may go ahead and pick someone as soon as he posts this week's game (if he does) instead of waiting for everyone else to make their picks.

Start "Spikes absent Racing-Forums The Game, Sonoma" and make the first pick.
The names go up so darn fast , by the time I type in a pick , he's already taken . It's okay though ,Juan Pablo will still be around late and I'll take him for once.
Spike's Profile said:

Well-Known Member, from Parts Unknown
Spike was last seen:
Sunday at 2:38 PM

Is he still alive?

Maybe that guy who got kicked out last month , is pickin us off one at a time . I never noticed that he got Spike till today . Man that guy has serious issues. Fredy Kruger was his name ,right ?
Maybe that guy who got kicked out last month , is pickin us off one at a time . I never noticed that he got Spike till today . Man that guy has serious issues. Fredy Kruger was his name ,right ?

Will we have to go into witness protection? New names and all that stuff I guess.
If it takes Spike much longer I may go ahead and pick someone as soon as he posts this week's game (if he does) instead of waiting for everyone else to make their picks.

You can pick yer nose, you can pick yer azz and you can pick yer friends - but you can't pick a driver in Spike's game till Spike picks a time to post the game. So...

Step right up!! Step right up!! Everyone's a winner! Bargains Galore! Yes, you too can be the proud owner where the quality goes in before the name goes on...


Wow, I even left to run errands and he didn't show up. Usually, he shows up and starts the threads when I'm nowhere near a computer.
So its cool to complain about Spikes erratic schedule now?
So its cool to complain about Spikes erratic schedule now?
Good point. Lets limit our complaints to his errotic schedule.
Not griping about the schedule, just about the fact that I'm just probably going to lose more points this week. That's why the title of the thread is "waiting patiently" instead of "where is that slacker spike?"
Not griping about the schedule, just about the fact that I'm just probably going to lose more points this week. That's why the title of the thread is "waiting patiently" instead of "where is that slacker spike?"

Don't you feel like the game is fixed when 1 guy gets the first pick every week?
Good point. Lets limit our complaints to his errotic schedule.

Errotic? Or do you mean


  <a onmousedown="spk(this,{lk:'nx1fkx',en:'wotdau',io:'0',b:'wotd',tp:'lrl',m:'wotdau'})" href="#"></a><a target="_blank" href="http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/E02/E0282400"><img border="0" src="http://static.sfdict.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif"></a> [ih-rot-ik] Show IPA
adjective Also, e·rot·i·cal.
arousing or satisfying sexual desire: an erotic dance.
of, pertaining to, or treating of sexual love; amatory: an erotic novel.
subject to or marked by strong sexual desire.
an erotic poem.
an erotic person.
1615–25; < Greek erōtikós of love, caused by love, given to love, equivalent to erōt- (stem of érōs ) Eros + -ikos -ic
Don't you feel like the game is fixed when 1 guy gets the first pick every week?
Hey, he does all the work. I'll give him that. Now if he was leading the points, maybe I'd question it. Don't like it? Don't play. Of that's right, you don't.o_O
I think that this is realy interesting how just a simple internet forum game really has our ......... I dont know the right word for it.... interest?... attention?..... I just dont know the right word.

Anyway, each week we watch for the thread to come up, sometime we log on late and have bugger all to choose and some times we are in the first few picks.... and its all fun. However its not until the usual timeframes for us 'creatures of habit' is messed with a little and we all start getting itchy fingers to get that pick in.

For me, I think is great, I am stoked that I came across this forum, I am in it every day and enjoy reading everything on here. I enjoy being a part of this game as well and also am eagerly waiting to make a pick for this week.

Sad thing for me, I am from Australia (not sad about that), am a Marcos fan (not sad about that) pick him more often than not (not sad about that), however most likely wont get the opportunity to pick him today (sad about this).

Cheers to all and good luck in the picks when Spike list this weeeks 'Game'.
In Australia, piss, pissy, pissier and pissed all refer to alcohol.

I got on the piss last night, (I got on the drink last night).
I am getting pissy on these vodkas (I am starting to get drunk on these vodkas, more a female phrase).
The more I drink the pissier I get (as above).
I was so pissed last night (I was so drunk last night).

Just thought that I would give you some Aussie slang that you can use with your mates.

Anyway, I am taking it that you guys are enjoying some early Friday drinks. Cheers to a good weekend.
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