Ward Burton Question



I'm not trying to make fun of him but I was wondering why he talks kinda wierd.
When brother Jeff was asked that he replied, "Ward's bedroom when he was a child was the one furthest to the south."
Why do you think he talks funny? I can understand him just fine!!:D
The reason I was asking was because I used to talk like him. I was born almost deaf so when other kids my age were talking I just mumbled because I couldn't hear how the words sounded. I had to go to speech classes and everything. But I don't talk like that anymore. I was wondering if he went through the same situation.
He just seems to have a thick accent, along with a bit of a slur...Pretty common i think.
Go to VA sometime...........a lot of people talk just like him. Strangest accent I've ever heard.:)
Doesnt everyone have a voice all of their own? Seems that way to me.
I think Ward has an awesome voice! I could listen to it all day...

He speaks really slowly, and he also has a bit of a speech impediment. The combination produces one of the most fantastically cool accents I've ever heard, and I've heard some good ones! And I do understand him most of the time. :D

Sterling Marlin, on the other hand, speaks really quickly, and chops off lots of his words, so I find him very difficult to understand. I like his voice too, though. :)
I live in virginia most people I know do not sound like that and I live closer to the southern border then the north.I have herd some old timers sound like that but I would say most of the 30s and younger don't have a southern accent. My grandpa has a sounthern accent but my grandma and parents dont, neither do I
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