Weatherman bakes cookies on vehicle dashboard



You've probably heard of the saying, "It's hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk," but can how about baking cookies in a car?

Two local meteorologists in Redding, Calif., tried to use a car as an oven this weekend.

With temperatures soaring into triple digits in northern California, the pair wanted to see if they could bake pre-packaged cookies on the dashboard of a car.

After about an hour, a thermometer in the car burst as it climbed past 120 degrees. Another hour later, the cookies were done and the experiment was a success.
That's nothing. The actual air-temp in Phoenix last week tied the record high temp of 120 degrees.

The surface temp on a car was so high that people had to use ovenmitts just to open the car door, and parents had to spray down car seats with cold water before they could put their children in it.
Man, that's hotter than two rats making love in a wool sock!!!
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