Wendell Oliver Scott



Happy Birthday to Wendell. Born August 29, 1921

For those of you who remember him, his determination to be a NASCAR driver was possibly greater than anyones who has ever crawled through the window of a stock car.

"More than anything else, Wendell Scott was a man of courage and conviction, with a good sense of humor mixed in. At a time when blacks were just making inroads into baseball in the metropolitan centers of our country, Scott was trying to do the same in the world of Southern stock car racing. Some say he succeeded, others say he failed. One thing is certain - he made an indelible mark."

This bio is worth a read for all fans

Wendell Scott
Thanks HS....ever since I saw that movie about him, he has been a real hero to me.

Found this quote from Wendell's son in there. Figured TWF would get a kick out of it.......

"He (Smith) had wrecked us up at Winston-Salem (N.C.) and my daddy had had it with him," said Franklin. "On the pace lap he pulled up beside Daddy and started pointing his finger at him. We didn’t know it but Daddy had his gun with him and he pulled it out and pointed the gun back. We never had trouble with Jack again"
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