Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket Elizabeth Edwards' funeral


Team Owner
Jun 12, 2002
North East, TN
Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket Elizabeth Edwards' funeral

(CNN) - Members of the Westboro Baptist Church announced Thursday plans to picket Saturday's funeral for Elizabeth Edwards in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The Kansas-based Church - monitored by anti-hate groups such as the Anti-Defamation league and the Southern Poverty Law Center - is known for its extremist opposition to homosexuals, Jews and other groups.

The church members also oppose the War in Iraq.

According to the church's website, members will hold a protest from 12:15 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Edwards, the estranged wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, died Tuesday after a six-year battle with breast cancer.
As for Westboro "Baptist Church", I'm ready to condone violence.

They'll need to invent a new word to describe the kind of hatred I have for those ****ing asswipes. These fools came in to my house a few years ago and started trouble, picketing the funeral of EMTs who died saving my friends life... **** them, **** them hard.

I feel bad for every family who has to put up with their **** and I can't wait 'til the day an ex-Marine decides he has nothing to lose.

When Fred Phelps dies, I'm going to Topeka to picket his funeral. He's 80, nasty old bastard should be ready to kneel over anytime now.
As for Westboro "Baptist Church", I'm ready to condone violence.

They'll need to invent a new word to describe the kind of hatred I have for those ****ing asswipes. These fools came in to my house a few years ago and started trouble, picketing the funeral of EMTs who died saving my friends life... **** them, **** them hard.

I feel bad for every family who has to put up with their **** and I can't wait 'til the day an ex-Marine decides he has nothing to lose.

When Fred Phelps dies, I'm going to Topeka to picket his funeral. He's 80, nasty old bastard should be ready to kneel over anytime now.

I'm with 'ya Andy. I'll **ss right on that POS's casket,then blow my nose on
the drapes!!
There's a stack of pineapples a mile high in hell for those folks. What are they trying to prove?
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