What annoys you during a race

Bucky Badger

Go Kyle Go
May 11, 2003
Madison WI
What do announcers say during a race that really annoys you?

"Track position is so important" Really...I did not know that!!!:D
Hearing the same old crap about the same old drivers week in and week out.

The severe overuse of the word 'hate' and the conditioned responses from drivers...yeah, yeah, so the guys at the shop work hard. They're not the only people in the world who work hard.

I'm not a Robbie Gordon fan but I do respect how he says what he's thinking rather than thinking what he should be saying.
Hearing the same old crap about the same old drivers week in and week out.

The severe overuse of the word 'hate' and the conditioned responses from drivers...yeah, yeah, so the guys at the shop work hard. They're not the only people in the world who work hard.

I'm not a Robbie Gordon fan but I do respect how he says what he's thinking rather than thinking what he should be saying.

That is exactly what gets Tony Stewart in trouble.
Bill Webber and his never ending attempts at trying to build drama and pump up the race as the best ever. :rolleyes:
I am peeved by

the constant showing of the car in the lead...all by himself out in front with no hope of a RACE about to happen. When at the same moment all the heads in the stands are looking at a terrific race between 9th and 10th place going side-by-side lap after lap..
The viewer wants to see a race between two or more cars...ANY tow or more cars! And all he (or she) gets is a ho hum view of a car or two going around by itself.
As for the what the talking heads have to say? Their words mean little to real race fan.
The old timey TV cameras took in more of the track in most every view and the race fan of long ago could see a quarter to half of the track at any given time...lots more cars were in most pictures on the screen... the viewer was able to watch more of what he wanted in that picture, not just the front car going around in circles.
the constant showing of the car in the lead...all by himself out in front with no hope of a RACE about to happen. When at the same moment all the heads in the stands are looking at a terrific race between 9th and 10th place going side-by-side lap after lap..
The viewer wants to see a race between two or more cars...ANY tow or more cars! And all he (or she) gets is a ho hum view of a car or two going around by itself.
As for the what the talking heads have to say? Their words mean little to real race fan.
The old timey TV cameras took in more of the track in most every view and the race fan of long ago could see a quarter to half of the track at any given time...lots more cars were in most pictures on the screen... the viewer was able to watch more of what he wanted in that picture, not just the front car going around in circles.

That is why I liked Raceview the weekend it was free. I could watch who I wanted to watch. I am really thinking about getting it for a few races anyway.


Here's a link to check out a site where a lady keeps track of EVERY race and they All average about the same, for every hour of programming there's 20 mins of commercials.

No if you really want to be fair about it, just keep track of a few programs you watch on TV and you'll find they run 20 mins. of commercials per hour of programming.

I had a few races in the 90's I'd taped on VCR and decided to put them on DVD, As I was doing them guess what I found? Yup, 20 mins. of commercials to ea hour of programming.

The real problem is Auto racing is NOT conduicive to live broadcast and having to put in commercials because you will always miss something.
Larry McReynolds yelling on lap three like its the last lap.

The man also needs to take some English classes.
Constantly reminding us that DW used to race these cars.

Larry McReynolds canstant butchering of the english language is getting a bit old to me also. My parents sounded an aweful lot like him too, and therefore so did I when I was too young to know any better. But, I made a conscious effort to learn to speak correctly so as not to sound so ignorant. People should not have to work that hard at listening to interpret what you are saying, especially if you are a paid professional.
The fluff pieces about cars or crew DURING THE RACE ! ! Show me that stuff before, NOT DURING.

Showing only the leader crossing the finish, then cutting to the crew celebrating. Why can't I see at least SOME of the other finishers?
The fluff pieces about cars or crew DURING THE RACE ! ! Show me that stuff before, NOT DURING.

Showing only the leader crossing the finish, then cutting to the crew celebrating. Why can't I see at least SOME of the other finishers?

Yup, that bugs heck outta me too. :(
I didn't know there was a race going on between the fluf and the commecrials? all I ever see is a car all by it's lonesome, if sometimes that.
The fluff pieces about cars or crew DURING THE RACE ! ! Show me that stuff before, NOT DURING.

Showing only the leader crossing the finish, then cutting to the crew celebrating. Why can't I see at least SOME of the other finishers?

I've been doing some thinking on this. Maybe what we need is a channel devoted to racing sports. One where they would have the time to show us fluff pieces about the cars or crew. Maybe one that would cover some of the smaller series or even motorcycle racing or Australian racing. Maybe throw in some Tech shows to explain how stuff works to the die hard race fans.
And, I've got the perfect name for this channel. They could call it SPEED. :cool:
TRL's response is close to mine, but what I dislike the most is what I call the artsy fartsy style of the director of the race (TV director). While I as a race fan am really only interested in the racing, both on and off pit road, I couldn't care less (notice how I said that you people who use that phrase incorrectly), I couldn't care less about the family of the driver/owner/crewmember, or for that matter, how the crowd reacts. I believe that ABC began this style of direction at the Indy 500 and they continued it once they bought out ESPN.
Somebody with no mechanical/technical background or knowledge incorrectly commenting on mechanical/technical issues.
"That was some good drivin' to keep that thing off the wall"

once you spin, there is no driving to keep you off the wall, you just hang on and go with the ride for the most part.
I hate it when they're talking about the drivers & they get their names wrong or they put the wrong drivers in the cars. These guys have been around & commenting on NASCAR forever, they shouldn't they have this stuff downpack by now right. I used to hate it whenever Mike Joy was always hyping up Sr's chances at winning the Daytona 500 during the race because after he would talk something would always go wrong. Alot of the things Darrell Waltrip says during the race have no bearing on whats going on, it's just jibberish I wish he would just stay quiet. And alot of the penalties that occur are because those idiots point them out to everyone watching, including NASCAR. Everytime somebody seems to be going faster than normal on pit road, they gotta say so. Whenever someone loses a tire during a pitstop they say who it is, whenever someone overshoots their pit or doesn't get a hold of the catchcan right away, they have to point it out all the time. Then the announce all the guys past infractions & how he should on his best behavior in case NASCAR is watching when they know damn well NASCAR IS watching. Man i hate that, just shut up & let'em race.
I truly think the announcers have gotten way to big for their britches. DW seems to be promoting himself any chance he gets and I'm tired of the focus being on them while they are racing on the track. A little educating the new race fans is fine but, they spend way to much time on it. One of the biggest waste of times is when they show the starting position on the ticker across the top. I want to know the interval or speed. But still, what bugs me most is the popularity contest of the announcers. I can't beleive they still have Jimmy Spencer on any show. He is so starved for attention, it's hurts to watch his desperate attempts at entertaining us. Love Wendy Venturini though. She just doesn't love me back. At least that's what the restraining order says.
Love Wendy Venturini though. She just doesn't love me back. At least that's what the restraining order says.

It might have something to do with the neighbours puppies looking like you. I'd thought that username meant something altogether different :eek:

The phrase, "To those of you new new NASCAR," and then going into a detailed explanation of somthing meaningless like the history of the "LuckyDog" rule.
Unexpected, unannounced, NOT INVITED company that talks and talks and talks and..... I turn up the sound and they overtalk the TV!
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