What are you afraid of?



- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
is the fear of long words.

- Clinophobia
is the fear of beds.

- Paedophobia
is a fear of children.

- Automatonophobia
is a fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues or anything that falsly represents a sentient being.

The Graveyard Shift
In Victorian times, there was an intense fear of being buried alive, so when someone died, a small hole was dug from the casket to the surface, then a string was tied around the dead persons finger which was then attached to a small but loud bell that was hung on the surface of the grave, so then if someone was buried alive, they could ring the bell and whomever was on duty would go and dig them up. Someone was on the clock 24 hours a day- hence the grave yard shift.

- Hypnophobia
is a morbid fear of sleep and falling asleep.

- Lyssophobia
is a morbid fear of insanity.

- Phobatrivaphobia
is a fear of trivia about phobias

Still in Character
Janet Leigh, the actress, has a fear of showers. This is the result of appearing in the film, 'Psycho', in which her character met a violent death in the shower.

- Dromophobia
is a fear of crossing the road

- Unatractiphobia
is a fear of ugly people.

- Arachibutyrophobia
is a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

A rose for the lady?
Elizabeth I of England suffered from anthophobia, a fear of roses.
:lol: :D :lol2:
is a fear of ugly people.
Too Funny! Where do you find this stuff Hardscrabble?
Pantophobia --- fear of everything!

Some have ailurophobia --- fear of cats. I'm an ailurophile --- a cat-lover.

-phobia, a fear or dread
-phobe, the person who has a fear or dread

-philia, a love of something
-phile, the person who has a love of something

-mania, an over-powering attraction to something
-maniac, the person with such an attraction

I loved teaching this to my students, most of whom were bibliophobes. LOL
Not to question your assessment at all TRL....

but are you sure it was bibliophobia, I have seen an awful lot of Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge - in my time!!! :D
Then again,

maybe it was..Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking

;) ;) ;)
okay ya'll. What do you call someone that wants to be numb and feel nothing so they won't ever be hurt again?
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Mar 13 2003, 01:14 AM

Then there is always

Isn't that the fear of the number 13? Or is it just Friday the 13th?
Yep, fear of the number 13.

Course I reckon it won't matter to those suffering from ophthalmophobia.

Get all yer phobias by name here:

Phobia Dictionary Link

Well maybe not all of them.................. :D
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