What Are You Gonna Do...?


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
I know we've talked about this before. I just went to the local Smart & Final to get some briquettes. I pull in, don't even get my car shut off and there's a kid, in his early-20s at my window. Says he and his girl are from out of state and they're out of gas, do I have any change. I didn't see any gal or any car. It sucks when you have to make that judgment call of whether this guy is truly out of gas and needs help or he's just another f.o.s. druggie.
I would hate to not help out a guy that really needs it. I've been hungry before and low on money, I've worked two jobs to pay the bills, so I know what it's like. I quickly assessed the kid, youngster with tattoos on his arms and made the call to say I didn't have any change. I figure he's young and able he can find a way to work for enough money to get some gasoline, if in fact, he really is out of gas. I got tricked by a guy, "out of gas" before, gave him money and watched him walk around with a gas can, get money from others and then walk across the street and get in a BMW and drive off.
I get my briquettes and head for the shopping center driveway. At the end of the driveway, with a sign and his wife and two small children, is another guy asking for a handout. I was in first in line, bunch of people behind me and I drove out of the lot. I got two blocks down, spun around and went back and gave the guy with the wife & children some money.
It sucks that there are so many lazy, lying people out there that you don't know who you can trust. They ruin it for those really in need. How'd you like to make the wrong call and not help the guy that really needs help? It sucks to have to make the quick judgment call based on someone's appearance, but it also sucks to give your money to someone that just tricked you into buying their next fix.
A couple weeks ago I pulled into this gas station. I'd just came back out to the car and this girl knocked on my window. She told me that her car was out of gas and she needed a "few dollars". I didn't see any car, and in fact she came from the opposite direction she said her car was.
In Vegas last year guy walks up and says he needs money to feed his 2 kids who are down in the hotel room.Pizza place right where we are at.I tell him I will buy him a pizza.He said he was wanting McDonalds.No McDonalds around.I say pizza or nothing.He says ok.While we are walking to the pizza place he says he's sorry.I said for what?He says he has no kids and was just wanting some money.I didn't ask why just said Have a nice day and walked off

Another guy here at a local gas station was wanting gas money.I said I didn't have any.He goes to the next guy and asks.That guy says Show me your gas gauge.I want to make sure you are on empty.Guy gets pissed and drives off.

I don't think about the what if anymore.
Seen it many a time. Honcho can probably confirm that Arlington, Tx is among the least suspecting of the dirty worlds.

As I told a racer I met at school to trade parts (we trade often), "Don't go south, don't go west, don't go east. Go back north. Anywhere else is the land of the drug lords."
Well, I'm a firm believer in karma. You reap what you sow, what comes around goes around and all of that stuff.
I just think it's really unfair that we're never around to watch them get theirs...:mad:
most people fly a sign because it is easy money. There are also laws for aggressive pan handling, some use intimidation on the weaker to get money. Bunch of vultures and jackals.
most people fly a sign because it is easy money. There are also laws for aggressive pan handling, some use intimidation on the weaker to get money. Bunch of vultures and jackals.
But I also believe that there are people that truly are down on their luck and really do need a little help. I just wish it were easier to tell whether they are being honest or not.
real easy for the most part, homeless shelters and rescue missions have shelter, and churches hand out hot meals around here. They eat what you would pay 10 dollars for a breakfast. desert and all. Drove a city bus for years, have seen many a newcomer get lined out on all the handouts from the veterans. There was a food bank around Thanksgiving that was loading them up with a big turkey and all the fixings, 3 sacks full.
I like helping folks, but if they are just panhandling I ignore them.

-One guy asked for money because his bus with church kids was broke down. I asked him to kindly lead me to the bus, prior to helping him out. He got mad and said I had insulted his integrity.

-A distant older relative (in his 60s) stopped to help a young mother walking and carrying an infant in the hot sun. Her out of sight BF then jumped in the backseat of the truck and made him drive to a deserted road out in the country. He was made to hand over his money and strip, they left with his wallet money cards cloths and his new truck.

-But I still like helping people, I fixed an old ladies brokedown car. I took her to her home helped her get her groceries in the fridge, and then went back to my shop and took some ignition wires off my garaged chevelle to get her coil working (20 plus years ago). I refused any money, maybe I will need a similar helping hand one day.

-Another time I paid for a strangers medicine at the pharmacy, she couldn't afford it.

-I am still suspicious of panhandlers, and I avoid the gas stations on the interstates as much as possible. Thats were they have approched me the most.

I agree with Bobby, I want to be decent and help the needy. I like to feel like a good Samaritan. But if my wife or son are with me, I will not do to much, I am not exposing them to risk. (Risky then for me too, Wife is tight with the money :).
There are those who say they want to help the less fortunate but how many actually contribute financially or in donated time to a charity specifically designed to aid those folks. How many belong to a local organization or actively participate of a church that works to help the less fortunate. There are many honest, dedicated, organizations that need people to help deliver, provide the services they offer. Most involve more than handing over a few bucks. They involve personal time and dedication. Too often, people are to busy(?) or selfish to donate personal time to aid others. Think about it.
There are those who say they want to help the less fortunate but how many actually contribute financially or in donated time to a charity specifically designed to aid those folks. How many belong to a local organization or actively participate of a church that works to help the less fortunate. There are many honest, dedicated, organizations that need people to help deliver, provide the services they offer. Most involve more than handing over a few bucks. They involve personal time and dedication. Too often, people are to busy(?) or selfish to donate personal time to aid others. Think about it.
And often there are simply too many needy people in one general area. L.A. Is larger than most cities. There are almost 4 million people in L.A. There simply aren't enough resources.
2 months ago a woman with 2 kids came up to me and said she needed 5 bucks to get to the next town....she was crying pretty good. I went inside had the clerk put 5 bucks on a pump for her.
The size of the community means there would be a larger number of charities needing volunteer help and contributions.
Volunteering is like a drug. Once you see the smile on a youngsters face when you deliver Christmas presents to a child of a destitute family or a basket of food to a woman with children in need and see her cry with happiness, it makes you want to do more. There is no reward better than seeing the happiness in the recipients eyes.
I disagree. Many are out of work here. Many are part time or underemployed. There are an estimated 60,000 homeless in Los Angeles. There aren't enough resources to house, clothe and feed 60,000 people on a daily basis. Many of the homeless do not have transportation to and from homeless shelters. The shelters do not have enough beds. Also, it is not only the homeless that use the available resources. Low income families that aren't homeless also rely on and utilize what little resources are available.
Yesterday, in fact.

This cute 20 something chick(not that it makes a difference) approached me and my bent-ass corolla bomber at an Arco. Pleading that she needed some money for gas. 'A couple bucks will do' she said. I gave her a dollar and change. I then watched her walk to a Nissan Armada, get in, and drive to a Jack in the Box drive thru.

I would have given her money anyways probably but the fact that she lied pissed me off. Also the fact that she was driving a car worth about 20x more than the hooptie I was driving.

Hope you enjoyed the tacos bitch.
Yesterday, in fact.

This cute 20 something chick(not that it makes a difference) approached me and my bent-ass corolla bomber at an Arco. Pleading that she needed some money for gas. 'A couple bucks will do' she said. I gave her a dollar and change. I then watched her walk to a Nissan Armada, get in, and drive to a Jack in the Box drive thru.

I would have given her money anyways probably but the fact that she lied pissed me off. Also the fact that she was driving a car worth about 20x more than the hooptie I was driving.

Hope you enjoyed the tacos bitch.

Tacos are good :)
That sucks.
There are many good people in this world, but sometimes they seem to be outnumbered by assholes
I was in line at a grocery store one day buying stuff to cook dinner and this older woman with two kids was in front of me. She didn't have enough money to buy the food and was debating what to put back. She never turned and looked at me or asked for any charity or anything - she just looked distraught that she couldn't afford to buy some basic food. I pulled out a $50 and told the cashier I'd pay her grocery bill - all of it. She turned to me and was very gracious. Made my day - I was in an extremely sour mood when I went to the grocery store and I really didn't have the money to help. I've always found that karma comes around though - later that week, I got a bonus from work.

One morning, some car is stopped in front of my house and two black kids get out. Mind you, I was living in the worst part of town. Well, against my better judgement, I went outside to see what the deal was. They tried to get their car started and it was out of gas. So, I go get my keys, take the kids to the gas station (it was already 96° so I let them ride with me so they could cool off in the A/C) and I got a gallon of gas in my jug and filled it up. When we got back, they got the car started. Both boys thanked me.

It sucks that there are genuinely bad people who swindle others because it makes you second guess if you want to help someone when they're truly in need. It also sucks when you're in a position sometimes when you can't help those who are truly in need.
...One morning, some car is stopped in front of my house and two black kids get out. Mind you, I was living in the worst part of town. Well, against my better judgement, I went outside to see what the deal was. They tried to get their car started and it was out of gas. So, I go get my keys, take the kids to the gas station (it was already 96° so I let them ride with me so they could cool off in the A/C) and I got a gallon of gas in my jug and filled it up. When we got back, they got the car started. Both boys thanked me...
They came back later that night and boosted your stereo :XXROFL:
I try to give change whenever I see panhandlers, etc. I've also thought a lot about 'paying it forward'

I figure the best bet would be to continue the charity, assume people that say they are in need are in need. And let the universe work itself out.
I try to give change whenever I see panhandlers, etc. I've also thought a lot about 'paying it forward'

I figure the best bet would be to continue the charity, assume people that say they are in need are in need. And let the universe work itself out.
But wouldn't you have liked to slap the taco out of that girl's hand, just before she took a bite :)
In the last 20 or so years I've had a hard time giving anybody money but I'll buy them food, gas, groceries, personals, household supplies or pay the utility bills. Too many use the money for alcohol, cigarettes. etc.
Yesterday, in fact.

This cute 20 something chick(not that it makes a difference) approached me and my bent-ass corolla bomber at an Arco. Pleading that she needed some money for gas. 'A couple bucks will do' she said. I gave her a dollar and change. I then watched her walk to a Nissan Armada, get in, and drive to a Jack in the Box drive thru.

I would have given her money anyways probably but the fact that she lied pissed me off. Also the fact that she was driving a car worth about 20x more than the hooptie I was driving.

Hope you enjoyed the tacos bitch.
At least she bought food!!!!
In the last 20 or so years I've had a hard time giving anybody money but I'll buy them food, gas, groceries, personals, household supplies or pay the utility bills. Too many use the money for alcohol, cigarettes. etc.
this. Even though stuff still gets traded to drugs, it makes it a little harder than giving them moola.
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