I had a terrible day on the freeway today. Some furball almost mashed me into the guardrail because he didn't know anyone else was on the road. He was too busy talking on his cell phone.
People who talk on the phone while driving really bug me.
I thought about it and realized that there are two other things that bug me, too.
One is when somebody is going slow in the fast lane and there is a line of cars stacked up behind them and they won't move over.
The other thing that really bugs is when someone tries to merge onto the highway going 30 mph slower than traffic.
Just curious what bugs other people.
People who talk on the phone while driving really bug me.
I thought about it and realized that there are two other things that bug me, too.
One is when somebody is going slow in the fast lane and there is a line of cars stacked up behind them and they won't move over.
The other thing that really bugs is when someone tries to merge onto the highway going 30 mph slower than traffic.
Just curious what bugs other people.