What could NASCAR do to help hype...


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
It appears that these Chase races have been getting fewer and fewer viewers, something that has been happening now for more than a year. We know that when Matt Kenseth won the title going away, Brian France gave us the Chase which was supposed to give us a much tighter race for the title, thus more interest and viewership. But with what has been perceived as a Jimmie Johnson domination during the Chase, what was expected didn't occur.

Now assuming that NASCAR is not going to take away the Chase, is there anything they can do to help hype the racing to bring in more fans? I believe there is and this is how.

First off, when they make it all about the Chase, they are cutting out all the fans of those drivers who aren't in the Chase. Secondly, after a couple of races in the Chase, more fans are cut because of one thing or another. If a fan isn't able to watch his or her favorite like they have been during the first part of the season, they get discouraged about the coverage. As the Chase goes on, more and more fans feel this way and it's easy for them to turn off the TV or what's more, there is the NFL.

I think that if NASCAR would hype the race itself instead of the Chasers, there would be more interest in those last ten races. And as we all know, the winner of the last race, unless he wins the title, gets very little press or TV time and the Champ gets it all.

Any ideas?
I wish the TV broadcast would concentrate on the race --- not just the Chase or the Chasers.

The camera is focused on a single car at a time --- aren't there 42 other cars in the race? I get tired of watching one car make laps.

I also get tired of bumper cams --- they don't show much except the car immediately behind. Also, driver cams irritate me.

TRL, I hear you and I feel the same way. As far as those different cameras, that is the artistic directorial content that is done to impress other directors and insiders of TV. Just like when they give the command to start engines, they act like they are opening up the scanners so people can hear all the teams react to the command. What a crock. I feel the same when Fox would "turn up the sound". There just isn't any way TV can give the viewer what it is really like to be at the track. Oh, and the camera in the track, once you see it, it isn't new. But it's just another thing they are trying to find that is different. Showing the crowd is another thing I hate.
And stop with the in race reporter. The drivers dont want to do that crap late in a race.

Anyway the sport has so much hype around it already with different things. I would be afraid if they tried to get more hype, we would start seeing more acting from the drivers than we already see. Im just a race fan thats what i want to see, but seems like nots never gonna be good enough for nascar.
Buckaroo, I think it's the hype over the Chase that's killing it.

First - NASCAR's not going to steal viewers away from NFL. This is NFL Nation. Everybody loves watching guys in helmets and shoulder pads run in to each other. :rolleyes:

Second - The Chase is just boring.
Everything right now would be closer under the old points system. When's the last time the Chase has gone down to Homestead?

Third - I agree with TRL, show me the race. I thought NBC was bad about focusing on the Chase drivers but damn is ESPN awful.

I think I called ESPN "Jimmie Johnson TV Channel 48" when referring to ESPN on ABC.
I think people are just burned out on NASCAR in general. There is so much programming, commercials featuring drivers, etc. that people are getting a little tired of it. The season is way too long. The season needs to only be 30-32 races max. The old saying "less is more" definitely applies here.
I think people are just burned out on NASCAR in general. There is so much programming, commercials featuring drivers, etc. that people are getting a little tired of it. The season is way too long. The season needs to only be 30-32 races max. The old saying "less is more" definitely applies here.
Not to mention the races are too long. Minus the Daytona 500, World 600, Brickyard 400 and Southern 500; I think all the races should be 350 miles max. Cut the Nationwide and Truck races to 200 miles max.

I can't sit through 4 hours of NASCAR trainraces anymore. -_-
See all of you are wrong. It has been proven that if Nascar wants to increase viewers all they have to do is show the 88 car from every conceivable angle, inside and out. There really is no need to show any of the other cars, except maybe those you can see out his window.

I suppose if you wanted to be far you could do a blimp shot just before breaking away to a commercial from an 88 sponsor where you showed the entire field. As long as you had the 88 highlighted, circled or whatever so he could be picked out from the rest.

I think it would also help if Nascar changed their name to LEIKOR (Lil'E is King of Racing). Cause he's the bestest evah...
Not to mention the races are too long. Minus the Daytona 500, World 600, Brickyard 400 and Southern 500; I think all the races should be 350 miles max. Cut the Nationwide and Truck races to 200 miles max.

I can't sit through 4 hours of NASCAR trainraces anymore. -_-

I would agree with that. It's hard to decidate too much time to a race every week when it takes up 4 hours or so for so many week.
What has really happened is that the Chase has created a monster. TV is so concentrated on the chase, that it excludes the rest of the racing.

I don't blame NASCAR, I blame the TV execs that think the Chase is THE STORY --- when it isn't.
agreed. those "producers" back in the production truck are getting so full of themselves and the chase, nothing else exists. Lets go back to the ned jarrett, phil parsons, and the other guy's ways from the yesteryears, and actually show action on TV, not......

whatever you call that crap.
NASCAR should take a look at this website because I agree with what all of you guys are saying and I'm sure that 99% of the fans would too.

I think it was Jack Roush that suggested the drivers in the chase should have their own points system to make the chase that much tighter. I like that. The chase is my biggest beef with NASCAR. I can't stand that all it takes pretty much is one bad race for a guy to be close to a non factor and another guy be lucky enough to not have a bad race, and the chase is pretty much over.

And get rid of Talladega in the chase and replace it with a road course. Too much bad luck can happen to a chase driver, or any driver, at a plate track.
And get rid of Talladega in the chase and replace it with a road course. Too much bad luck can happen to a chase driver, or any driver, at a plate track.

Actually, I think that there should be all four types of racing as part of the last 10 races of the chase.

One road course, two short, 6 intermediate (of the one-two mile variety) and one plate track.

This way, you would have to be able to prove your skill at all four types of tracks and anyone one of them could be your downfall.
Actually, I think that there should be all four types of racing as part of the last 10 races of the chase.
One road course, two short, 6 intermediate (of the one-two mile variety) and one plate track.
This way, you would have to be able to prove your skill at all four types of tracks and anyone one of them could be your downfall.

This makes good sense. I agree witcha Guido.
Actually, I think that there should be all four types of racing as part of the last 10 races of the chase.

One road course, two short, 6 intermediate (of the one-two mile variety) and one plate track.

This way, you would have to be able to prove your skill at all four types of tracks and anyone one of them could be your downfall.
Agreed. Move the Dover race to New Jersey Motorsports Park.

I like having Auto Club Speedway in the Chase.

Kansas is also a good Chase race. I like Charlotte but they already have Texas and NA$CAR can't get rid of that or it'll end up in court again. I like Charlotte better but I'd rather see that date at Rockingham Raceway Park.

They should start the Chase at Kansas and end it at Miami. But, adding races at Rockingham, New Jersey and a short track (Iowa?) would perfect it.
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