1. Don't continuously complain. It ain't manly. She already has a ****** she doesn't need another one.
2. If you cant be exciting, then at least be interested. Avoid the "I am so board, I need a nap". It is interpreted as " I am pathetic".
3. Avoid verbal confrontations with the other competing males, unless you are in a position to really apply a can of whoop. She can instantly identify the real Alphas.
4. Avoid farting until she has to much invested in you to dump you. That takes patience, usually after marriage and a handful of children. While your racing buddies might be impressed with your ability:
-To take a cigarette lighter to the methane you are blasting.
- And fire off a Flame throwing blast that would have impressed Georgy Zhukovs Red Army, she will not be impressed , even though she might laugh and think you are funny. But her estrogen fueled sensors will tag you as an eternal outsider that's condemned to never be an insider. Then her estrogen defenses will be barricading every entry point for you. The date might as well be over with at this time.
A skilled stealth farter can fart and sneeze simultaneous, avoiding detection.
Also keep your fingernails neat and clean with no jagged edges.
5. Size is everything keep a big fat wallet with some flashy credit cards.
6. Taking them to chick flick is good. Don't trash talk their hunks they ain't real and you cant compete against their image.
Women and men have to fake it some time. The chick flick times demand the right kind of male faking.
But if you get stuck in a Twilight Twi-hard marathon avoid "oohing ugh, and ahs" when Taylor what's his name takes his shift off. Her chair seat should be the only one that needs cleaning.
Remember to just look slightly interested while avoiding these two most common mentioned errors .
6. Keep your real dreams and goals to yourself, she doesn't need to be reminded of the male's mission Just do. If you must tell her , make it romantic, translating the suggestions of the neighbors barking dog is good.
7. If you don't know what you are doing, just fake it. If you don't comprehend her explanation of the flicks plot, just smile and say, " yes", and "right",