I give it an 8 like Lappy. I watched it from the beginning so I didn't tune in for info about Derrike Cope. BTW, Derrike's wreck was apparently some machanical thing (throttle hung?). I'm no fan of hugh wrecks but wrecks are a fact of life in NASCAR racing. They are something that good drivers avoid (for the most part) and something that happens to make the race interesting. If every car completed a race without a wreck once in a while then I wonder just how many of us would continue watching the races? Wrecks are just part of it.......like blown engines, flat tires, bad pit stops. The amazing thing is that there are wrecks and very seldom is anyone injured seriously. The engineering that goes into those cars is really beyond belief sometimes. I don't think any fan wants to see catastophic wrecks but I'm being honest when I say that the wrecks I saw tonight (Cope's being an exception) just make for a more interesting race.