
Mexico city pilots believe they saw a UFO, what do you think about it?

I believe...... :unsure:


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Until I see a little green man land in my backyard, I don't believe in them.
Could be a hoax,but i have believed that we aren't alone for a long time, since i was a kid in fact. Think about it .....with the universe being so huge, how can this planet be the only one with intelligent life ???
Technically, a UFO does not have to be from another planet. Anything in the sky that can not be identified is a UFO.
racerx11 makes a good point...of course I believe in UFO's I see them everyday...I don't know what kind of planes are up in the sky...I live close to an airport...however, the belief in intelligent life from the outer reaches of the universes...that's something else...but it seems that for us to think we are the only intelligent life in the universe is not only ****y, but would be a true attestment to our own unintelligence
Seriously, I don't know about that pic, but YES I do believe.

Loch Ness, Sasquatch, BigFoot, etc., but I really wish there were a money tree!


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UFO, is something in the sky we dont know what it is.

but i dont belive in orther life out side of the earth, and heaven. The bible did not say anything about another planet out there with life so i find it hard to belive.
Lap3, the bible also doesn't say there is no life outside this planet...so I'm not sure....I think it's a good possibility. If you ever have a chance listen to a man named, Art Bell....he is on the talk radio around 10:00pm here...broadcast in a little town called Perump, Nv. He has seen and heard many strange things out there on the desert....so many folks have seen things from all over the world, hard to believe they all made it up! :unsure:
I believe that a lot of UFO's are our top secret air craft. I'm sure the Stealth's were misidentified as alien crafts before they were outed.
I have heard Art talk about his personal experience and it was either an otherwordly craft, or we have some pretty dang awesome secret stuff.
I had one experience as a child, but it's a very long story with an inconclusive outcome, so I will spare you the details. Suffice it to say that I have an open mind on the subject. It's fun to thing about.
I believe the government hides tons of things from us.... maybe it was one of their planes
I was thinking the same thing that Leno said the day this story broke. According to the report, it was Mexican Air Force pilots that spotted the UFOs.

Leno said he wasn't surprised about the UFOs. He was surprised that Mexico had an Air Force. :lol:
Originally posted by kat2220@May 13 2004, 12:16 PM
Seriously, I don't know about that pic, but YES I do believe.

Loch Ness, Sasquatch, BigFoot, etc., but I really wish there were a money tree!
Send me 5dollars and i'll show you a money tree!
I'm shocked by this news...a mexican airforce, do sombraro's fit inside a ****pit?
I thought they were LA police helicopters looking for a stollen car.
Originally posted by dupont4me@May 14 2004, 10:46 AM
If you ever have a chance listen to a man named, Art Bell....he is on the talk radio around 10:00pm here...broadcast in a little town called Perump, Nv. He has seen and heard many strange things out there on the desert
Art smokes a lot of strange things out there in that desert too.

I listened to his show for a long time for entertainment purposes. Some of the genetic nightmares he had as guests were beyond hilarious. The dude building a timer machine out of an old refridgerator on his granddaddy's back porch is an all time classic! How Art could sit there with these nutcases without completely losing it was something else.

Oh, and as to the original topic...I'll have to be convinced that there is life on or from another planet. Besides Janet Reno I mean...everyone knows she's a space alien. :lol:
Trust me, if aliens can figure out how to cross the vastness of space, they wouldn't be dumb enough to "abduct" or put "brain implants" in the some of the people that claim to have been abducted etc....they could get more valuable information from my cat.
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