1 cat (Maj-A-Kitty) and 1 dog (Lilly). Maj is a rescued kitty approximately 9, and Lilly is a chihuahua/dacshund/min pin and is 17 months old.
tk, is your doggie a schnauzer?
Yes a miniature schnauzer. He is spoiled rotten. What I don't do in spoiling him my Mom does.
every night at dinner, our deaf cat comes over to the dinner table, stands on his hind legs, puts his right front foot on ym mom's leg, and reaches up onto the table with his left, swatting around blindly for any food that might be sitting there..then hops down in disappointment when there isn't any, just to be bopped in the head by a block of food from my mom.All pets SHOULDbe spoiled, and ours are!
Corgis 2 of them, 6 year old male and the female is 11
Corgis 2 of them, 6 year old male and the female is 11
I had to google Corgi to see what kind of animal that was. They are cute.
My daughter's dachshund has been banned from my house. Her actions is detrimental to my well being.
Grandma?? I have four children and no grandkids, yet.
If you're talking about that crazy dog, then.................
2 Pitbulls (one is 12 the other is 9) /QUOTE]
Keep showing them Michael Vick's picture.
This way, if they ever get loose, maybe they will track him down and bite his nuts off.
2 Pitbulls (one is 12 the other is 9) /QUOTE]
Keep showing them Michael Vick's picture.
This way, if they ever get loose, maybe they will track him down and bite his nuts off.
I'd give a weeks salary to sick my dogs on Vick.
I'd give a weeks salary to sick my dogs on Vick.
Truth is, if I were to sick my dogs on Vick, they would run him down and lick him to death. I did not raise my dogs to be mean. My dogs love everyone.
Oh yeah...I got a new baby boy ****atiel yesterday
Those are cute. Just hope they don't have to get out in deep snow where you live. LOL. Their legs are so short.
You need to talk to Whizzer! He is owned by a Corgi too!