What We Like About... Kurt Busch



The idea of these "What We Like About..." threads is to challenge the members of this forum to find the positve attributes of each of the drivers.

This is intended to be POSITIVE thoughts on the driver ONLY.

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So what do we like about the current Cup champion - Kurt Busch?
He managed to dig deep and keep going in the last 10 races. If the others wanted the championship, they were going to have to take it, he wasn't going to give it up. His speech at the banquet was very well done. I think he has matured and really learned something these last 2 years.
He's composed, articulate, fearless behind a wheel and has just the right balance of brashness/skill. He's intelligent and determined. :beerbang:
He is a force to be rekoned with for such a young man. I like his brother better though.
He is a very talented driver who is getting better all the time
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