What We Like About...



Two adult granddaughters and their grandmother where in the kitchen of the grandmother's home. They were have a conversation about one of the neighbors with the grandmother defending the neighbor who the granddaughters thought was a complete and total jerk.

Finally in frustration one of the granddaughters said "Nanna, you can find something good to say about eveyone. You could probably find something good to say about the devil."

Without even a pause the grandmother replied, "Well at least he is persistent."


Okay. So what does that have to do with racing? I've been on a forum for a few years where we've done the following in the off-seasons.

We will post the various drivers one-by-one. Then the forum members will posts a reply given the attributes that they LIKE about the driver. No negative comments.

Here's a sample from the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 off-seasons on our current champion, Kurt Busch...

Kyle - What I like about Kurt is his ability to speak his mind and take his own stand on issues. He drives hard in each and every race with the intent to win. I don't like wrecks and I don't like stupid driving, but I do respect a guy who drives hard, instead of riding around in the back of the pack drawing a paycheck. And, the thing I like most about Kurt is his attitude with fans, if you don't like him on TV then meet him in person and you'll probably change your mind.

QuickFord - Kurt is an aggressive driver, with lots of talent at all the track types. He's not afraid to speak his mind, and represents his sponsors well. He has the determination and desire to win, and he'll be winning races and championships for a long time to come.

fred420 - I think Kurt is a heck of a driver and he will be a contender in Cup for a long time. As time passes, I'm sure he'll learn to engage brain before operating mouth. I love his comments, but I just shake my head sometimes knowing that comment is going to get him in trouble. Actually, he's an excellent speaker and I think in time that he will be a great spokesman for the sport.

clh - Kurt Busch is an incredibly talented driver & has risen so fast in this sport that it makes my head spin. The first time I saw Kurt race was in the first Truck race at Daytona. Me & Mr clh were sitting in the stands going...WHO IS THIS KID? The way Kurt handled that speed, the slingshot, the draft (remember this Truck race was no-restrictor plate) was unreal! We knew we were seeing the beginning of something big... Kurt was someone I thought I could pull for.
And once a little age & maturity takes its course, instead of youthful brashness, I believe Kurt will display an articulate, well-spoken side of himself, equally as formidable as his driving ability.
At that point, I'll become a Kurt Busch fan once again.

davidg - What I like about Kurt Busch is his willingness to speak his mind about the way he sees things. He isn't one of those drivers who avoids controversy at all costs but speaks his mind and lets the chips fall where they may. People who say he is an arrogant punk have never met him in person. I have met Kurt at autograph sessions on many occaisions and he has never been anything less than friendly and polite. Many other drivers, who are more fan favorites than Kurt, that I have met are in my opinion are often rude and arrogant at their autograph seesions. I like his aggressive driving style and the fact he will drive the cars to get every bit of power and speed out them. He may be hard on equipment but he does not abuse it.

Kay - He's my Wild Man! Not afraid to be agressive and give loud mouths what they deserve. Don't change a single bit Kurt.

Donnie - If Kurt can keep his focus, he'll be a serious contender for the first Nextel Cup. He's agressive and doesn't take any guff from anyone. I like that. Just go be who you are, but keep your cool.


Alright, so here's the question. It this worth trying at racing-forums?

If there is enough interest, I'd be happy to coordinate the starting of the individual threads. Just replay and let me know if you think it's a good idea.
I think it would be a great idea, it may force everyone to think about the drivers differently...of course not only should bashing not be allowed, but creative bashing like saying "I like how driver A is a bad driver" or "I like how Driver B is a jerk off the track" should also not be allowed. Otherwise, it would probably get negative. Plus, I'd like to hear other people say good things about some of my drivers and I'm sure people would like for me to say good things about their drives. So, you have my vote, as long as everyone can keep from making backhanded compliments, we're good to go.
sounds like a good idea to me!!

oh, and hello long time no see
I think it is fun. If I remember correctly, some drivers didn't a lot of replies but that's better than bashing. I also remember taking a couple days to try and think something nice about a certain driver a couple years ago, LOL ..... and now he's on my top ten list. Ya just never know.
esorlxaw said:
I think it would be a great idea, it may force everyone to think about the drivers differently...of course not only should bashing not be allowed, but creative bashing like saying "I like how driver A is a bad driver" or "I like how Driver B is a jerk off the track" should also not be allowed. Otherwise, it would probably get negative. Plus, I'd like to hear other people say good things about some of my drivers and I'm sure people would like for me to say good things about their drives. So, you have my vote, as long as everyone can keep from making backhanded compliments, we're good to go.

See, there you go Esorlxaw. Tying my hands behind my back before the thing even starts. Tony gets an idea and right away you want to protect the a$$ of your favorite drivers.
Did it ever occur to you that they are the least liked drivers on the circuit ???
Did it ever occur to you they draw the most negative complaints and comments of any other drivers ????
Did it ever occur to you by asking such a unique thought, it might hamstring others in thier opinions ??
Come on Esorlxaw, why even have as much enthusiasm for an idea when the first words you offer are, don't trash my drivers ???

I say your idea to quelch dissing your drivers sux ! It is CRAP !!!! PURE UNADULTERATED CRAP !!!!!

OH !!!! By the way, who are your favorite drivers anyway ???????
(Just funning with ya young fella.) :wink:
I was going to say that this would be a great idea, but after reading Whizzer's post, and even knowing it was in jest, there will be other who just can't keep from slamming a driver. Try if you might and it will be fun to see what happens, but take my word for it, this sport has too much emotional attachments that someone will have to make a negative comment. In that vein, I think it would be great to allow any and all comments on a driver, but keeping the comments to only one per poster per driver. One can explain why they may or may not like a certain driver, but one doesn't have to keep pressing the point.
I love the idea of positive posts. I know for me it would be a real challenge to come up with something nice to say about a couple of guys, but what the heck, I like a good challenge. Go for it TonyB :)
Great idea, TonyB!!!!! Maybe this will side track some of the negative posting. LOL I know I will be hard pressed to find something positive about a couple, but I WILL do it and in good faith too!!!!!
Let's gooooooooooo!!!!!
Are the people here not mature adults?

What part of, "What I Like about" is complicated to understand?

If you don't like a driver, and can only bash him. SIMPLE, don't make a post to that thread.
The intent of this is to provoke a little deep thought and you may realize that even drivers you don't like actually has some traits that you do like.

TonyB has done this for a few years at his other board and it has worked quite well while I was visiting there regularly. I didn't think the maturity and reasoning powers of the members of that board was far superior to other boards, but maybe, (if people can't control themselves to stay within the Topic title), I'm mistaken.
Alright, let's try it...........I'm like Buck, a little weary of what the results will be, but it's worth a try. Where and who starts it off?
TonyB always syarted it off at the othrt place.
Maybe he will do it here too....................
Well, we will give it a shot. I"ll try to post a new driver every day and I'll be responsible for keeping track of who we have and haven't posted.

I'll write up a generic explanation for this to go in the first post on each thread and see if everyone can stay within the rules. About the worst I ever got before was "Nothing".
Wait, I'm confused...I was basically stating my case because one of my least favorite drivers is the champion, and plenty have had bad to say about him and I was tired of it before it started. I was trying to avoid having to endure people trying to be clever about something they "like" about drivers, thus, obviously NOT posting instead. I don't know, I guess I was just so excited about the prospect of hearing ALL positive things that I started trying to keep it just that.
Axl...........that don't work sometimes here. I understood what you said...pretty simple to me. I don't understand why that happens.
esorlxaw said:
Wait, I'm confused...I was basically stating my case because one of my least favorite drivers is the champion, and plenty have had bad to say about him and I was tired of it before it started. I was trying to avoid having to endure people trying to be clever about something they "like" about drivers, thus, obviously NOT posting instead. I don't know, I guess I was just so excited about the prospect of hearing ALL positive things that I started trying to keep it just that.

Exsorlxaw, if there were not so many years between us in age, I might think we were cut from the same cloth. Since I am substantially older than you, my experience has taught me to "try" to take things less seriously. Doesn't always work but it does take effect. Sometimes.

My post was a parody, a joke and intended for no purpose other than to bring a smile to someones face.

Why ??? Because I doubt seriously everyone will abide by the process. There will be at least one poster who will say, " I like Ozzie Osborne because he has good arrangements, plays music that fits his style but he is an idiot for biting the head off the bird and the SPCA shoulda nailed him".
The poster just had to get that snide little remark in there.

This is too controversial and not conducive to acting 100%, civil.

Go ahead Tony, start the ball rolling.
Make the first one Earnhard, Jr.
Here's my nice thing to say. He drives a sharp looking car. :)

Just kidding. Not sure why I am in this playful mood. Usually when this happens my allergies are ready to kick up and make me miserable for the next two weeks.
uh, Whiz, I knew what you were doing to, it isn't the age thing, I was commenting other remarks, not sure if they were intended for my statement or yours...
I really like the idea! Bringing positive thoughts only and respecting others feelings is a GOOD thing! After all, IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY, SAY NOTHING AT ALL. We don't live in glass houses, have our own opinions, and positive expression of opinions help heal the soul!
We can always find time to make an angry or negative post so why not a positive one?
Just too hard for Me to find anything good to say about a few select drivers,in those cases I will just keep quiet,otherwise it sounds like a good idea. :beerbang: :D
I'm not going to say there are not drivers in the sport that I don't particularly care for........but I can find something positive to say about any (those few included) driver I know about. Some of drivers attempting their first races from a series I don't follow might be hard........but not because I hold any opinions about them. Because I just don't know anything at all about them.
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