What were you doing?

I don't remember the class, I know it was a tech class. We had the TV on tryin to figger out what had happaned. They came over the PA and told us what had happaned (to the best that they knew) and told us to go on with our day. They also told the teachers not to have the TV on, but most cancled the day and most of the week and we just watched what was going on.

I still have the Murray news paper from 9/11 and maybe even the 12th.

I have my 9/11 shirt on today.
As usual, I had the TV on CNN. They were covering the first hit from a helicopter when the 2nd plane went in.

I kept thinking "this isn't real". But is was.

I didn't want to watch, but I couldn't tear myself away.
Me, I was at work.
You know I can understand why the Bushistas did it. They needed a catalyst for the war. The WTC bombing a couple of years before just didn't arouse the nation's blood lust. But, why they waited until the buildings were fully occupied, I don't know. If they had exploded them earlier when just a few hundred people were in them I think the American People would still have responded the same way.
But let's face it, the 1st plane hitting, when it did, insured that all of our eyes would be focused on the building's fate when the 2nd plane hit. And, we had to have justice. The President could just have easily convinced us that it was a plot by the Canadians and we would have sallied forth to the cold north. But, tho our boys would have been closer to home this would have upset the plans to join the US with Canada and Mexico. A multi-Nation with no borders and plenty of Amero's to spend.
Me, I was at work.
You know I can understand why the Bushistas did it. They needed a catalyst for the war. The WTC bombing a couple of years before just didn't arouse the nation's blood lust. But, why they waited until the buildings were fully occupied, I don't know. If they had exploded them earlier when just a few hundred people were in them I think the American People would still have responded the same way.
But let's face it, the 1st plane hitting, when it did, insured that all of our eyes would be focused on the building's fate when the 2nd plane hit. And, we had to have justice. The President could just have easily convinced us that it was a plot by the Canadians and we would have sallied forth to the cold north. But, tho our boys would have been closer to home this would have upset the plans to join the US with Canada and Mexico. A multi-Nation with no borders and plenty of Amero's to spend.

Is this another lame attempt at a joke?
I was in bed (back injury) on pain meds and Mr Kat came flying upstairs telling me that America had been attacked. I flipped on the TV and watched as the 2nd plane hit, then the Pentagon, and heard about the HEROES in PA.
Scary, yet mesmerizing.
I was actually on the computer in the other room and it was after 10:00 am and I remember hearing Katie Couric's voice on the Today show still on and I thought, that should of been off over an hour ago so I was curious and went to look and thats when I found out.
I was at school. A bunch of kids were joking about how a plane flew into the WTC on The Simpsons. I had no idea that this had happened. Mom picked me up early that day, pizzed off because the schools remained open that day and the next (despite EVERY OTHER DISTRICT in the region closing early and closing on the 12th). She had the radio on and they had some scratchy voices, but I couldn't hear anything. Changed over to 104.1 FM (now owned by the Mexicans :mad: ) and they had Amy Robach (the single hottest newscaster in D.C. at the time; now with America's Newschannel) on.

They said there had been many attacks. I thought they were full of sh!t because fox5 and the local media always overhype stuff. They had extensive coverage about the attacks at the Pentagon.

So, when I got home, I still had not known about the WTC attack. I put on the TV which was on SPEEDVISION. FOX News was on, and they were talking about the WTC attacks.

So, once school let out, I ran to the bus stop to tell my friends. They heard nothing, bus drivbers were on direct orders not to have the radio on and the schools were told not to mention what had happened. :rolleyes:

When I was waiting, I saw a man walking by. He stopped and asked if I had heard. He was at the Pentagon when it was hit.

My friend laughed when i told him about New York. Then he turned on the TV. They were showing pictures of people jumping from the towers.

I remember waking up the next morning, thinking it was all a nightmare. So, I turned the TV on and ate my Raisan Bran. There it was. They were showing video of the first attack on the World Trade Center.

It stated on the screen: "ATTACK ON AMERICA: The Next Day"

I went to school with a heavy heavy heart. Everybody did. There was our dickhead coach at Gym, told us to "Get over it, it was no big deal."

I got suspended a few days later for drawing a picture of a bunch of kids joining hands around an American flag for a "Unity" project in art class.
I was getting dressed to go to work, watching Good Morning America and saw the second plane hit the WTC. I was totally dumbfounded as to what had actually happened at that moment. It took several minutes for it to sink in......stayed glued to the television most of the day at work when I arrived and told the bosses what I had seen on the television.
Was in 6th grade reading class..they called all thge staff in an emergency meeting in the hallway and put us in lockdown...then everybody got out the TV's and radios.
I was at work. Everyone got to talking about it then we were called up front for the announcement as a group.
I was in my car on the way to work, I had just turned on the radio about 5 minutes before the 2nd plane when it was 'just a plane crash'. I remember immediately knowing something major was wrong when they said another plane had just hit...

Seems like yesterday
I was at work. A co-worker had a little TV on at his desk. He emailed me about the first plane and said they weren't sure but it seemed like an accident. It wasn't until the second plane hit that it was obvious that we were being attacked.

We must never forget where we were and what we were feeling.
I was on the way to my son's kindergarten class with cupcakes because it was his 6th birthday. I was also preparing for our planned vacation to celebrate my 9th wedding anniversary the very next day, on the Disney Cruise. I tired to back out of those plans, but was informed that no refund would be given. So we sailed. It was surreal, but I know it was God's plan because I would have needed an extra strength Prozac perscription if I would have sat & watched on TV.
I was at work also, didn't have tv but had the internet. The first image I saw was of the aide whispering in Pres Bush's ear. I am not a fan of him, but the look on his face said it all. It was really happening. Then the second plane hit and footage was all over the internet. My Mom called me she because I live close to an Army post, and she just wanted to connect after seeing that.
Heart and prayers go out to all families and troops...
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