Whatever happend to.......



Awhile back I had taken a short hiatus. I'm only now realizing that there's quite a few regular posters missing. I was just wondering if anyone knows why they aren't here anymore. Must've been something that happend while I wasn't on for that short period of time, or something happend in a thread that I haven't read. (I don't read all of 'em) These are the ones that I can think of right now....

wrangman (cuties b/f ??)

Those are the only ones that I can think of right now. I know I'm missing one or two, but how about these for starters.... anyone know ?
Not sure. But add Flametamer to that list. He was pretty active on here and than it seemed like one day he was gone.
wrang and cutie got banned for posting other peoples private messages into the boards. I for one dont miss them at all.
Zoe is on when she gets time. I think she started a new job. De Wrangler. Cutiepie, Kat, and TNW among others got upset about something stupid and blew it up until each of the other ones mentioned here couldn't play well with others anymore. I hope this helps. :)
Not really, just creepy people on the internet. Comes with the territory.
wow yall still remember me!!!! i am very busy but i make time to try and atleast read the posts each day.

I seem to miss everything...ah well...can't have been that exciting if most missed it...
bpunch and buckaroo..wow they haven't been around either. And Hardscrabble..it's going on 2 days. ;)

We are dropping like flies... :lol:

pbunch still posts...buckaroo took his toys and left when cutie and DEW got the boot.
Couldn't have them posting other people's private messages into the board. Pbunch was always a good guy, he still posts.

But you folks have known from day one that the place wasn't run like TR, where trolls like them are just allowed to run wild. They had to try real hard to get the boot.
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