What's the worst job you ever had?



I was just wondering what the worst job you ever had was. Sometimes I get a little unhappy about my current job. It helps to think about worse jobs I've had. I think to myself "Self, you could be a chinese skywriter". Now that job would suck big time.

I will save some of my horror stories after I hear a few of yours, if you don't mind sharing.
One of the first jobs I had I was still in high school was at the Dixie Dandy (a grocery store) cleaning the meat market. By far the worst job I ever had.
I worked for a grain co.in Kentucky. Part of that job was to clean the grain elevator shaft. You really don't know what kind of creepy criters you find in the bottom of a elevator shaft.
Mcdonalds, hands down. For the younger generation, it just plain sucks! ^_^
I think I agree with Texas, I only have had one job, so I guess at times its the worst but other times its great!!!
The job I hated the most was the easiest job I ever had also. I sat at a desk in a cubicle and sold auto parts, supplies and equipment wholesale by phone. I hated everything about the cubicle thing. It didn't help that I worked for a very crooked family that drove me nuts. They pumped in a steady diet of "geezer-pleaser" and light-rock music in an attempt to drive us all insane (at least that was my theory). The entire room was a combination of drab tans, drab browns, and even more drab greens. With carpet that I swear came right out of the seventies. To top it all off the people that owned it stole money from us every chance they got. At least it helps to make me grateful for the job I have now.
whataburger, low pay, hardly no hours so you can'y pay your bills, and you have to work atleast 5 hours to get a 15 minute break limites to a very small breakroom. my legs hurt so bad when i worked there.
OMG, same at my work place! Only I have to work 4 hours for a 15 minute break, and have to stand and go up and down stairs. Sometimes they dont even give us our breaks! <_< But my legs kill me also. I have 22 hours there in the next three days. Their break room is smaller than my bathroom, and I dont live in a mansion either...
Supermarket check out chick for sure. I use to do night shifts also (alone out front!) and it was next to a train station, so we would get drunks coming in all the time, so the police would drive by at least every 30 minutes. Worst because it was scary!!

My second worst only lasted one day. The main thing I did all day wasn't in the job description! - Look under these mega trucks for their number while in a ship hull and plug them in if they were refrigerated trucks. Got yuck all over me and in my hair...eek!
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