Whats up with the new Java scare, anything to it/

I'm going to chalk it up to all the other scares in this world.If it hits mine I'll just buy a new one.This one is 7 years old anyhow.
I disabled it until I hear more on this subject. So far, I've noticed no difference for anything that I do. I haven't run into anything that has required me to enable it again except when I was reading about that sale of Al Gore's cable channel to Al Jazeera. ;)

Probably just a coincidence.
I wouldn't know how to disable Java anyway. Besides, there is nothing on my computer to interest anyone. Nothing financial, and very little personal. About all they'll get is my Dale Earnhardt pics.
Yesterday I did as suggested and uninstalled it on all three computers and like DP I havent run into anything that needs it to run. Raceview is the only program that I know of that I have that requires it. We'll see in a couple of days what the requirements are for the new raceview.
I'm taking a java class this semester. I took it in high school, so hopefully it wont be so bad.
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