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Go to headlines on Nascar .com
Look at Winston Cup Series...............
Check out 08/07/02 Craven on Bud Pole at Michigan?
Something smell here!:confused:
Craven on Bud Pole at Michigan
August 7, 2002
12:59 PM EDT (1659 GMT)

BROOKLYN, Mich. -- Ricky Craven went out 43rd and captured the Bud Pole with......

I looked at that. Oh, well. Someone has screwed up somewhere.

Or...... could be they know something about Michigan next week that we don't know. Think I'll put Craven on my fantasy team. hehehe
That's odd.

I emailed it to myself so that if he does, in fact, get the pole I can send that page to every single newspaper and magazine I know.

The only thing I can think of is that the webmaster creates a pre-made "template" for each race and then just "plugs" in the driver's name and qualifying info after the event takes place.
Originally posted by 97forever
Or either Nascar let the 'script' out a little early.....

Anyone thought of the flack that will come up if Craven wins the Bud Pole next week? All the "conspirationists" will have ammo for ever!! Hate to say this but I hope Ricky doesn't win the pole.:(
if craven does win the pole Ima have to get a job with nascar win alot of money on bets
Originally posted by smack500
if craven does win the pole Ima have to get a job with nascar win alot of money on bets

Insider betting? Hmmmmmmm!!:)
and they probaly noticed the slip up themselvs so if nascar really is prescripted theyll have to change that so I wouldnt pick him
Poor Nascar oops i mean WWF. Whats Next...Robinson Wins at Michigan. lol. I doubt that Nascar really is Scripted.
Who won the pole last year at Michigan? Craven did. Probably a repeat of last years story.
Yes Craven won the pole last year for the second Michigan race. And yes he was the 43rd car to make a qualifying attempt then as well.
December 7th,1938:found scrawled on a sidewalk in Chicago were these crytic words:Remember Pearl Harbor!No one knew what the words meant at the time....

Supposedly a very popular Urban legend back in the forties.This thread reminded me of the old story.Sorry.:D
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