Everyone wants their own chosen announcer/commentator in the booth. Jerry Punch, Chris Ecomacki (is that how you spell his last name?
), Eli Gold, Ned Jarrett, Buddy Baker, Chris Myers, Bill Weber, Alan Bestwick, Darrell Waltrip, Wally Dallenbach, What's his name for the trucks, Phil Parsons, Benny Parsons, and any number of other people (both famous and little known). The fact of the matter is that each and everyone of those listed by me or whoever y'all can come up with will eventually irritate many of us with some quirk to their style of broadcasting. Alan with his reading from the teleprompter style, Benny with the occasional wrong driver in the wrong car, Wally with his quick judgments of on track incidences, Chris Myers with the hair spray look, and, of course DW with the "boogity, boogity, boogity" stuff. None of us will agree on who's best or who is even competent as an announcer. All I hear is MRN/PRN does it perfect........but is that really true? Get them in the broadcast booth for TV and we will rip them apart too.
The problem mainly lies with the varying degree of "experience" among the fans. Those of us who long for ESPN and Jerry Punch remember back when NASCAR wasn't as popular as a sport as it is since FOX/FX and NBC/TNT took over as the broadcaster of the races. We have been exposed to the terms "push/free", "tight/loose", and "drafting" for years.......we need no explanation. But with the sport growing in popularity as it is today there are a lot of people (potential fans) who don't know what those terms mean.........and the explanation is necessary for their benefit. When Benny makes a mistake about something Wally or Alan will correct him.......same thing when Alan or Wally do it. So what difference does it make really? I can remember the announcers with ESPN making mistakes too........it wasn't a big deal then but seems to be a major flaw now. MRN/PRN (the "perfect" ones
) make mistakes too.......on that, I'm certain. Calling a race with 43 cars on the track at the same time and so many things going on at the same time is quite a challenge.........and we tend to demand mistake free broadcasting.
Like I said in my first post in this thread, Alan doesn't bother me and who among us can do better? I also want to say that ESPN had its problems in this area too..............but we were a little more tolerant back then since all we wanted was to be entertained by the race. We weren't wanting to be entertained by the broadcasters too. And that's the source of my problem with the differences between the two networks........one tends to place more value on the booth entertainment over the track entertainment. I want the race on the track to entertain me. Not the broadcasters in the booth. I want to know about the driver of the cars the cameras are focusing on at the moment.........not a story about some race in 1989 or some such cutesy thing. Benny's "man 'o man" gets on people's nerves probably about like DW's "boogity, boogity, boogity" gets on mine. But Alan doesn't get on my nerves at all..........niether does Bill Weber. They're pretty good considering what they are attempting to do...........call a live, very fast paced, event with very few, if any, mistakes.