Where is Ned Jarrett?



Anybody know what happened to Ned Jarrett? I was a big fan of his commentary until the Fox/NBC crews took over and was wondering where and what he is up to.

No flame here. I love the Fox team: DW, Larry Mac, and Jeff Hammond (but I miss Ned).
i really didn't care for Ned but i would much rather have him than the fox crew. i saw him at the rockingham race, just hanging out and seemed like he was havin a big time.
When nascar went to the fox/nbc split, Ned retired. He has had some health problems recently, but is getting better.

I read this is in NASCAR Scene a while back.
Here he is, LOL. While Ned has never gotten by my shop, we have crossed paths a few times and he is a real gentlemen. In fact, he was the first Nascar driver I ever saw close up. He took a Dale Carnegie public speaking course when he won the championship so he could be a better representative for racing and did a lot of public speaking in the mid sixties. He came and spoke to the Royal Ambassadors youth group at the First Baptist Church in my hometown in '65.
I think I saw him as one of the commentators on a race broadcast on ESPN recently, and Glen Jarrett (DJ,s brother) was interviewing drivers.
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