Hey, everybody! IIIIIIIII'mm...back.
To answer some of your questions... (how nice to be thought of!)...
No, I didn't get accosted by Tony Stewart. While I appreciated that one particular photo, he generally doesn't do it for me. Of course, if he actually did accost me, I probably wouldn't turn him down. But that has nothing to do with how he looks.
(And, no, it has nothing to do with his money either.)
I also did not accost Jr. There wasn't enough time, plus I didn't get anywhere near him. Could hardly even see his car. I still don't really know what happened to him. Guess I'll have to get the high speed lowdown from Michael & Co. tonight on Inside Winston Cup.
Word of warning: if you ever go to Dover, only get the $67 air conditioned grandstand seats if it's hot and you can't take the heat. I couldn't see crap but a long distance shot of the corners, through a paned glass enclosure. Lots of bars in the way. The backstretch (which we were on) was barely visible, and then only if you stood up and the people in the first ten rows all sat down. I'd show you the photos, except I took fewer than ten the entire weekend, and only a couple of those at the race. A real shame. :headshake
Nope, no hangover for me. I rarely drink that much anymore. Used to, but that was a bad deal. On the other hand, you might want to ask someone else here if she had one...
(Just kidding, HH!!!)
You know, I think I just wrote off another track I'd just as soon not return to. It had nothing to do with the seats. I'm sure I'd have had a lot more fun if I were closer and could actually hear the engines. I forgot to buy earplugs, and was (of course) very late and didn't get there until ten minutes before the call to start engines, but the enclosed seating area muffled everything so that you didn't need earplugs. In fact, you could hear them playing Bruce Springsteen in the adjacent casino while the engines were on! I don't enjoy nerve deafness, but I think I would have felt like I was actually at the race had I lost a bit of hearing and smelled some fumes. It was almost like seeing it on television, except I'd have been able to follow the action a lot better had I really been doing that.
Nope, the complaining isn't over yet...
On to the reason why I wouldn't be thrilled to return to Dover: traffic. (You called it, Pbunch.) The worst, most excruciatingly slow and miserable traffic I have ever had the misfortune to drive through. And I'm from NYC!!! I thought being a passenger was bad, but this was the worst. I stayed in Wilmington, 50 something miles north of Dover, and got that already referenced late start. I thought I was being slick by doing the park-and-ride thing, but apparently everyone else had gotten word too, thus negating the efficiency of that route. The lot was full, so I actually saved $20 and parked across the road in the Pink Elephant Liquor Store parking lot. Approximately a four-hour trip, all told. Thought that was bad enough, until...
The drive home.
Only had an hour before the shuttle buses back to the Pink Elephant -- err, Blue Hen -- would quit running, so I did my fastest, most impressive ever walk to the opposite end of the track, a mile away, through hordes of oncoming traffic, dodging people left and right, missing many by mere centimeters. (I've actually thought about teaching a seminar in this skill...) Didn't go to one stinking trailer except to quickly look for a program, and none of the trailers I went to had them. Great. So I make it to the other side, tired, sweaty, souvenir-less and sobered up, and now I have a headache. Haven't eaten anything but a Harvest Bar all day. I grab a soggy hotdog and cut around 200 people waiting in line for a bus. An hour later, I get to my car. Four hours later, and after making one critical wrong turn, getting lost in the strange Delaware night, and briefly freaking out, I made it back to my hotel.
Never again. Not unless I'm a passenger.