Whizzer's boy, Johnny JumpUp Edwards makes the news


Jun 12, 2002
And not in a good way.
Yeah I know it's the National Enquirer and their "news" is sometimes suspect. But this affair has been rumored for over a year between Edwards and Rielle Hunter. I wonder if this puts an end to his VP aspirations. For this State's sake I hope it puts an end to his political career.
Besides to leave a wife dying of cancer at home while he schleps around with this hose bag is pretty bad.

I mean Good Lord at least spend the $500 to get her a haircut...

Here she is supposedly carrying Edwards baby when this story 1st broke back in 07.


And this was going on while this good lady, dying of cancer, was on the campaign trail trying to get her sleaze of a husband nominated...

I just thought of sumthing funny...

The "cheater" woman lookms like that chick that's all scared up and ugly on Larry the Cable Guy: HEALTH INSPECTOR... LMFAO That's even worse :D
The newest rumor is that Eric Montross, former Celtics bassettball player from unc-CH, was the one that Hunter moved in with in Chapel Hill to remain close to Edwards. And that Montross is supposedly paying Hunter $15K a month and Andrew Young, he's the guy that claimed to be the father of the baby, $8500 a month to keep things quiet.
Montross only made $19M in his career and if he's going to start bailing out Johnny JumpUp of his foibles then that 19 Mil won't last long.

One unfortunate offshoot of Edwards being out of the Veep sweepstakes is he's canceled the college tuition program he sponsored 3 years ago. That kind of leaves the kids who were counting on that money hanging. But hey if it doesn't do him any good why spend the dough-re-mi. Right?
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