Who are you rooting for at Indy?



#1 Junior (duh)
#2 Montoya
#3 Martin
#4 Elliot

Of those 4, I think Martin has the best chance to win. Not only would this be the biggest win of his career, but it would help solidify his spot in the Chase.
Gordon (big surprise)
Johnson (only because I decided to use him in my fantasy league. ;))
I'm a Jr fan but since Mark and I belong to the same organization, the AARP:D, I'm going with him. :)
I am rooting for the same people I root for every week:
1. Jeff
2. Jimmie
3. Mark

No big suprises here!
John Andretti.
Of course Kyle Busch but it would be great to see Martin, Elliot or even Montoya win today. I'm pulling for all three of those guys to do very well.
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