Who is having a white Christmas?


Team Owner
Sep 18, 2001
We are having a cold wet Christmas. Rain and in the lower 40's upper 30's.
Rain here too Tab, but we could be neighbors. Looks like my folks in Oklahoma City are covered with about a foot of snow. Heard that is the first white christmas in close to thirty years. Hope Zoe likes the stuff. :)
No white stuff here.......though there is a slight chance of rain.:)

White Christmas's are romantic......but beyond that, they are really nothing but a pain in the you know what!

Have fun zoe!!:D

Just did my redition of Bing Crosby for cutie..........she gave me to strangest look!! Guess I'm not the "crooner" I thought I was.:(
Okay,if any of you get tired of having snow,please send some my way.Being that I'm too far south,it never reaches me.Now remember,I put my order in for snow,not slush.:D
None here yet, but we are supposed to get 5-8 inches of the stuff overnight. Ain't it great?:calpping:
:bleh: snow, but cloudy and chilly (40's for the high here).

I wish all y'all who like snow a white Xmas. (Careful Zoe!)
It is about 27 here. We had just a dusting of snow. We have had enought snow now. Don't need no more.
Originally posted by Gollum
It is about 27 here. We had just a dusting of snow. We have had enought snow now. Don't need no more.

Gollum, this fire is for you and yours! :bleh:SNOW

Supposed to be in the mid 20s in Atl area tonite:mad:
it is snowing here...supposed to get 4 -6 inches here

i love it

this is like the first year in a very long time that oklahoma is having a white christmas!!!
Originally posted by ghettozoe03
this is like the first year in a very long time that oklahoma is having a white christmas!!!

keep warm Zoe...............we'll be thinking of you...
Originally posted by 66mustang
I wish we were having a white christmas...:( :(

Oh no, mustang............you get a white Christmas, we get one too!!:( Shame on you for even thinking that!!:D
White Christmas here...like always. Winter Storm Warning tonight and for Christmas day, as much as 8 inches. Temperature just under 30.
Hey Awesome....how the heck you been? Much too long a time since I've seen you here!!

BTW/...........you can keep those white Christimas's up there in New York!! :D
Hey there DE. As of late Ive been just lurking around and getting to know my TV a little better:). Anyway, hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year...See ya around the boards.

BTW-- How has Nascar 02 been treating you? Its been a while since I last played...
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Oh no, mustang............you get a white Christmas, we get one too!!:(   Shame on you for even thinking that!!:D

Whats so bad about snow?
We got a butt-load of snow last night. So much in fact, that I have about an hours worth of shoveling to do before we can go see any family today:eek:. But it is well worth it. I love a white christmas. It can be done now for the year for all I care. But I'm not betting that will happen.
It started to snow about 9 this morning and finally stopped about an hour ago. About 2 inches and very cold. It made Christmas more exciting. Should all be gone except the tips of the mountain by morning I would say.
Originally posted by Stargazing922
It started to snow about 9 this morning and finally stopped about an hour ago.  About 2 inches and very cold.  It made Christmas more exciting.  Should all be gone except the tips of the mountain by morning I would say.

I hope you are settled in and warm tonight! Do you have any pictures of the view yet? Or did I miss them when I was having posting problems?

PURRRRR to you and TNWF

BTW, 32* as I type with a wind chill of 22* and getting lower overnight. If there were precipitation it would be snow.
It snowed all day here in N.E.PA. I just measured the snow on my deck, it was 15in.
Kat, we must have the same weather. It's 32 right now here as well and windy as all get out. Really glad that I had this day off. Now the real work begins.
Up to about 6-8 inches here in PA, with a layer of ice in there. Still coming down too. Definitely having a very, very white Xmas. Good thing we have nowhere to go!
I shoveled my butt off to get out of the drive to go make visits. When I got back there was another several inches everywhere I had just shoveled. And they plowed my street (FINALLY!) and of course they piled it up at the end of my drive:mad:
give me some money and I'll send you a box, Lap3Forever, but I can't guarantee it will be snow by the time it gets there!
Got about 11 inches of snow here. Other parts of New York got hammered hard. Part of the NYS Thruway was shut down for a period last night.
Had a brown Chrismtas in Minnesota. Just enough snow to cover parts of lawns. Thats about it :(
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