who is the driver of the decade?

steve kinser was the best driver in the WC in the 1990s ???
oh haha I was wondering

I would have to say out of the winston cup micheal shoemocker was the best in the winston cup it would be hard to say

I would like to see micheal drive a car in nascar he has alot of skill
More like Ferrari has a lot of skill. I believe that Juan Montoya was right in his statement.

"Surely (Michael) Schumacher is a good driver. But driving the machine that he has, anyone could win.''
-- Juan Pablo Montoya.

And Jeff Gordon was the driver of the 90's. I know the Earnhardt fans will disagree(as they should) but Jeff put up the best numbers and made one hell of an impact on NASCAR in that time. Dale Sr. would be a very, very close second. IMO.
id have to go with DE and JG one was a legend by that time and the other was a young WC driver showing how to win chapionships fast (so to speak in the early to mid 90's)
Jeff Gordon without a doubt. His skills and charisma brought new fans to the sport and continue to do so.

Dale was a close second.
Brett Bodi...nevermind.

Though it pains me to the depths of my being, through the cascading tears of bitter resentment for all he is and all those he has wronged, there is no denying that Poo was the driver of the 90's. Earnhardt second, and Martin third.

God I hate having to give the little jerk any credit.
It would be hard to argue who had the most success. But the question is who showed the most skills. That will require me to ponder for a bit.

It would likely be the driver in the one of the worst pieces of crap on the circuit who made respectable showings. Gotta think about a driver who was decent in a car, then left it and the team pretty much intact and the car's results then became deplorable.
why do people act like its a crime to give jeff a compliment " i hate to say it but" "I dont want to admit it but" if it was somebody that sucked and they won a race everybody would say congrats he earned it im happy for him etc etc etc even people that dont really like him would say it and they wouldnt say "I hate to admit it" etc etc lol its no big deal I was just wondering
I will have to say,JJJJJ,JEEEEEE,FFFFFFF,GGGGGGGG,OOOOOOOOOOOOR,DOOOOO"MAN,THIS IS HARD",GORDON,There I said it.That was hard for me to say,But it is fair to say.:p And no crime commited,I hope.:p
Using that as a basis, ya gotta start with Ricky Rudd then I would think HS...
Not a bad thought there TWF,

Rudd was winning in his own car and a Hendricks car, neither of which were "great" rides.
I have been a fan for 3 years its just anoying in school I hung out with some cup fans and I would say something about gordon and because they were together they would all start the crap about the rumors and etc and when I talked to them seperately it seemed they didnt dislike him that much its funny what haveing alot of people around does to people

it seems the more a driver wins the more fans he gets and the more bashers they get.
Originally posted by HardScrabble
Not a bad thought there TWF,

Rudd was winning in his own car and a Hendricks car, neither of which were "great" rides.

And don't forget the mean green Bernstein machine, inherited by Brett Bodine...or was that still the 80's?
The green Skoal Bandit with Handsome Harry was an early '90's force. Won four races in a row in 1991 and Harry became the oldest driver to ever win a WC race in 1992.
Um, I meant the 26 Quaker State car that Bernstein owned, I know Rudd and Brett both drove it, just disremember the exact years.
Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan
Um, I meant the 26 Quaker State car that Bernstein owned, I know Rudd and Brett both drove it, just disremember the exact years.

Sorry TWF,

You mentioned the green car and I just kinda drifted off to thinking about Harry Gant. He might be my answer to this question, but I'm kinda partial and he really didn't run enough years in the 90's.

Brett took over the 26 car in 1990 when Ricky moved to the Hendricks Motorsports ride. Brett won one race in 1990 in the car I know, beyond that not real sure.
In all of racing, i would go with Kinser.

Having a hard time deciding between Earnhardt and Gordon though for Cup. Kulwiki impressed me more for what he did then either Earhardt or Gordon.
Let's see.Which WC driver showed the most SKILL in the nineties?Like HS stated,there is a big difference between skill and success[though most of the time the two go hand in hand].

My vote is for Mark Martin.And yes I can give my reasons:

Mark won four Iroc titles in the nineties.A lot of people discount IROC races,I know.But when Gordon and Earnhardt raced against Martin in the nineties-in random cars,as 'equal'as any mechanical device can be-Martin routinely beat them.Outdrove them,that is.
Look at the IROC record for '96,'97,'98.Certainly years when Dale and Jeff were competetive.

But three back to back IROC titles is something that should settle this argument.As a matter of opinion,looking closely at Mark's career he is one of the most 'skillful'drivers of ANY decade.The WC series,ironically,is the series he has performed worst in-compared to the rest of his career.And he still is the third best stat driver of the nineties.Factor in the BGN series and IROC,the questionable 1990 title-controversy,a truck win,more top five finishes than anyone that decade....and Mark Martin has got to come out on top.

At least where skill is concerned,IMO.
I could go with MM and have no problem with it 97forever. He really is a great driver. Talent is just something you have to see with your own eyes. Stats are a byproduct of a great team, not just a driver.
Since the question "who is the driver of the decade?" is very open and very subjective I can only give my open and honest OPINION. I would say that Rusty is the driver...no wait, Big E, nope Gordo...nope Stewart, oh wait, Kulwiki, I mean Martin, ooops, Rudd. Actually, they are all great drivers and have accomplishments that are exclusive to themselves. It would be a lot easier to name one driver if more there was more criteria that needed to be met. So I'll just stick to the list...oh, and forgive if I missed anyone :)
Lots of good choices here, could go with most of them and others as well.

But if forced to choose one, I think 97 and JB may have it. And everyone on the board had a chance to see why. Think back to the World 600 in May. (yeah, yeah, it has different name now)

In the closing laps as Mark ran from Matt to maintain the lead. It is my belief that Matt had the faster car at that point, enough so to catch and pass MM. But if you watched Mark slice and dice the traffic how can you not bow to a master. In 40 years of watching these deals I have NEVER seen it done any better by anyone.
Most skills in the 1990's? I think I would have to go with Dale Earnhardt. His skills grew as the sport did, and he came back from some pretty bad accidents to show that he was still a top contendor. I didn't always like his style, but I gotta admit he was a helluva racer that not only stayed competitive, but raised the level of competition as the sport grew. Plus how many championships did he win in the 90's. If any one showed they had talent, whether you loved him or hated him, he was the boss.
Alan Kulwicki. Winston Cup Driver of The Decade.

The last great privateer.

A small town kid from Wisconsin with a dream of going south to race the big boys. And not only did he race them, he whooped em. On a shoestring budget against some of the most powerful and well funded multi-car teams the sport has ever seen, this kid, that had a talent that the world of auto racing may never see again took the trophy.

10 points was all he won it by, but win it he did. With his death the following year an era ended. Gone are the glory days of Winston Cup Racing.

Rest in peace Alan. Your legend lives on.
The most skillful driver on the Cup circuit at this time is without question Mark Martin.

Having Mark as a mentor is the best thing that has ever happened to the kids that Jack is counting on.
I didnt watch enough of the 90s to really be able to judge but did any of you watch that race a couple weeks ago when jeff went right between 2 cars it didnt even look like a car could fit between them but jeff went right between them I dont think there was a centimeter between his car and the other 2 cars
Originally posted by HardScrabble
But if you watched Mark slice and dice the traffic how can you not bow to a master. In 40 years of watching these deals I have NEVER seen it done any better by anyone.

Well there HS, that move Kid Kurt put on The Mouth of The South was pretty dern impressive. But look who he's got showing him the ropes nowdays.

It weren't no ordinary bump and run, it was a bump and rough. And it was the first time I had seen anything like it outside of local shorties and ASA. The message Kurt sent that day is indeed one that Jimmy (along with every driver out there) will remember.

If yer gonna bump and run the kid, you best have a car that can get away.
71,the odds are good that in ten years time the answer to 'who was the most skilled driver of the first decade of the 21st century?'Will belong to the state of Nevada and Mr.Kurt Busch,with 5 WC titles by that time!:)
keep dreaming, it mite happens with his ears, j/k i think his brother has more talent and will have more of a shot then him
Instead of Kurt, I would say one of those Busch drivers. Id take Riggs to be the best driver in the future. But its the FUTURE and ya never know.
Kamikazi Kyle......hanging with the ASA dudes and finishing respectably for a kid.

The race I remember the best of his was here at our local shortie. With 12 or so go, he got black flagged and sent to the rear of the field. Probably a 15 to 20 car field.

the kid simply drove the wheels off the car on the high side for the rest of the race and got up to win it. I remember saying to my buddy.....Somebody needs to tell that kid you cannot pass on the high side of a 3/8ths flat......

Maybe once or twice, maybe three times. But to drive around the outside of 15 to 20 cars on a flat shortie in 12 laps?????

It just doesn't happen, and had I not seen it I would find it very hard to believe. The Busch Boys are going to be drivers to be reckoned with in the coming years. And if The Jeff thinks Kurt's a wildman, wait till he sees little brother in his rear view mirror. The kid is relentless.
Originally posted by HardScrabble
Just kidding Smack.

No he wasn't in WC.:D
refering to Steve Kinser

YEs he was in WC but not very long didn't he race the old 26 car a couple times???
Am I gonna be lynched? How about Jimmy Spencer?:) He drives around the track remembering everything........he has a target on his car and has only been hit a few times!!:)

That was for sgbg........now for my choice:

DALE EARNHARDT!! Huge love/hate thing with fans and press and he still preformed. Gordon, close second.
Kurt Busch is going to quiet a lot people,Or he will be hated like Jeff Gordon for winning so much.Let me get it all out of the way today.
Kurt is gay,crybaby,arse kisser,low life,cheater,lucky to be with Jack Roush who is a crook,dirty driver,gets the best equipment,talks threw his nose,has big ears,western butt hole.Then in a few years the critics will say,But he can drive a race car.I just don't like him as a person. ;)
well, going throught the 90's and only the 90's, i would have to go with the men in black. Dale and ok, rusty. they put on some of the most spectacular racing shows that i have ever seen. jeff accomplished a lot, but he had the chemistry thing and was domininant. so he deserves some credit, but i will go with the men in black
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