whos got a nextel?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
my buddy has one, and we are seeing if his d/c works if someone has one just so we can check it! then we will never beep ya again...lol
I would never use Nextel, AT&T/Cingular, and T-Mobile; because they only follow the major cities and Interstates. Then only go 8-10 miles off of those. I live in Des Moines and go to N.W. Iowa alot; we would never have service til we get to a city thats covered. From Des Moines to Sioux City there is absolutely no service. The only 2 companies that would work for us is U.S. Cellular and Verizon...they have awesome coverage.
Right now we are with U.S. Cellular and am pretty happy. My wife has been with them for 7 or 8 years, and the only problem we've had is with an incompetent salesman who forgot to properly start-up my additional phone insurance, so when it broke...INSURANCE DENIED! But we complained until we got a NEW phone instead of a refurbished phone that was gonna take 2 weeks to ship. We were gonna drop them and go to Verizon til I figured it was gonna take $400.00 to start up. With the cost of deposit $150 times 2, plus the cost of 2 phones (Verizon dont give FREE phones). We decided to stay with U.S. Cellular since the problem was fixed, and it was the only major problem we had with them; plus they are a tad cheaper than Verizon.
NEXTEL is just dead in too many areas around here. Up I-20 to the Georgia line it works great..across Pinson Valley(about 5 miles) it's dead as a hammer.
We use Alltell here and are pretty satisfied with what we get. BTW, we will soon be changing to cable digital phones soon and big Bell a good-bye. Been thinking about this for a while now and have decided that this will work just fine for us and save us a lot of money.
I am thoroughly pleased with my Cingular! I get nationwide LD FREE, don't roam unless I go out west or up north, have rollover minutes, and no restrictions as to times I call. I've been happy with them since they bought out Bell South Wireless years ago.
ATT has NOT firmed up the deal to take over Cingular, and they have fired, laid off or downsized even the office I used to work in. 5,000 more employees are to lose their jobs and as far as I'm concerned they are losing their grip and are focusing on business operations and NOT home or cell service.
Verizon has a plan that I would go to that let's you call ANY Verizon csr as often as you want, talk as long as you want, and no charge.
If I'm ever dissatisfidewith Cingular, I'll probably go to Verizon.
Do A LOT of research before deciding your company and plan.
My job requires me to carry a nextel. I live over 25 miles from an interstate, and get a perfectly normal signal.

For personal use, I'd carry a dead rotting herring before I'd carry a cell phone, so I'm probably not the one to ask about the damn things.
Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Oct 8 2004, 04:16 PM
My job requires me to carry a nextel. I live over 25 miles from an interstate, and get a perfectly normal signal.

For personal use, I'd carry a dead rotting herring before I'd carry a cell phone, so I'm probably not the one to ask about the damn things.
Yeah, but you probably have more major cities that are covered, here in Iowa NEXTEL SUCKS! It only follows I-80/35 and some cities that are around those Interstates. Here Go to www.nextel.com and type in my zip which is 50327, then go and look at the coverage map. You'll see what I'm talking about.
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