Why cant I vote on the "Pole" Threads



When I tried to vote on the auto tranny thread i kept getting a message saying "your session is invalid".HUH?
I've never heard of that one. Do you mean vote on a poll?

Try loggin out and logging back in again. Are you using some proxy to surf around?
Yes I meant POLL, I knew something didnt look right, anyway im signed on the way I always do, using all the same equipment. Logging off and on didnt help. I just tried to vote at the toyota poll and got the same message-----

vBulletin Message
The action you have attempted could not be performed as your session appears to be invalid. Click the below link to attempt this action again with a new session.
Try this action again!

clicking on the link didnt help either
Yes I do. But I always have, and have been able to vote.

I know, I know AOL is a piece of cr-p.
AOL uses proxies that confuse the session handling of our forum software. In order to properly use the board, minimize AOL and open Internet Explorer or Netscape. When you are done, simply close IE/NS and open up AOL again.
Ok thanks. You guys are great with getting the replies out right away. No other site comes close to this one Thanks again!
No problem. And I'm sorry you're having a problem.

My best advice would be to get a real ISP, AOL charges you twice as much as any other ISP out there.

AOL isn't the internet, it's just a way to get to the internet.
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