Living as close as I do to DIS, there could be several reasons why Testing is bothering me. The fact that they begin at 8 AM when I am still alseep doesn't bug me, In fact it's quite soothing to sleep in listening to the sounds of stock car engines, and It's the best alarm clock anyone can wake up to, as far as I'm concerned. No, the problem comes when others don't like this early morning mystery noise, those others being my two dogs in the backyard; and every other dog in the neighborhood, to be exact.(And around here, if you don't have a dog in your yard that's at least 50 pounds, you just don't have a dog.) They did not stop barking and hollering and barking and hollering for 2 HOURS STRAIGHT! I got up and went in to work early just to get away from it. I guess it's just the price I pay for living where I do.
by the by, I've MIA for 6 months cuz I lost Internet access.
by the by, I've MIA for 6 months cuz I lost Internet access.