Why no TV delay?



I still do not understand why the TV folks do not loop a 5 second delay into the interviews and radio communications. No one.......absolutely no one.watching TV would ever know the difference and they could bleep any language when necessary.

Such a simple thing to do, and it would protect the drivers from themselves during high emotion moments.

There is no benefit to anyone by not doing it.
Didnt NBC have to bleep Tony Stewart's comments at in a race last year ?
I actually thought this was standard procedure for any live broadcast for this exact reason!

I'm pretty sure they do it for football games etc...(when is the last time you heard swearing of anysort in an NFL game??? and you can't tell me these guys have clean mouths..)
Originally posted by Happy29@Sep 7 2003, 12:02 AM
Didnt NBC have to bleep Tony Stewart's comments at in a race last year ?
That was a taped interview, it wasn't shown live, which is why they were able to bleep it.
HS, they don't do tape delay cause it would make too much sense. <_<
Right on, DeeDee. Sticking a mike in a driver's face, not 2 minutes after such an incident is silly. They know they are going to get *bleep* --- sometimes I think the networks encourage it.
Exactly TRL, it gives them something to talk about for the following week..."This Driver was fined this week for saying *bleep* on a live telecast."
i would be willin to bet it was tape delay and they put it in any way, TNT they know drama, yea right!!!!!
if anybody gets fined it should be the dumbass that put a mike in Kevins face. :dual9mm:
What do you think a pit reporter is supposed to do? They get paid to get the story.
use a little common sense.

being a reporter is not an excuse to do some of the bonehead things they do. and by the way anybody that was watching the race knew what the "story" was.
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