Widescreen or full Screen DVD's

muggle not

Team Owner
Jun 21, 2003
I am just a little upset. I bought my grandaughter the Lord of The Rings Trilogy Special Extended Edition DVD for Christmas and it only came in the widescreen version. My grandaughters parents have a 36 inch Sony television and I am sure she will be thrilled with the gift yet a little dissapointed that it is widescreen.

What are your thoughts on widescreen vs full screen. Some DVD's are released in both versions but more and more thay only come in the widescreen version.
disappointed that it is widescreen? I don't know, widescreen allows you to see the movie in the dimensions it was made it...sure, you get those little black bars at the top and bottom of the screen, but you see the whole fram instead of what will fit on the televisions dimensions. The difference, to me, is clearly evident when you watch a fullscreen movie and they do what I call a "freeze pan", which is where the frame pans to right or left to show actions that would have been cut off in full screen, so the frame slides over to show what's going on. I good example of this happens in the fullscreen version fo the terrible Michael Keaton movie "Multiplicity"...I'm not sure about other newer movies, but i have been a widescreen convert for a long time now. I guess either way you look at it, it seems like you are getting cheated
with widescreen, the picture isn't as "tall" but with fullscreen, the picture isn't as "wide", but the difference is that widescreen shows you EVERYTHING whiel full screen only shows you what fits on the screen, then they do those weird freeze pan deals, which really kills the effect for me...I don't know, maybe she wont' be too upset by it...my girlfriends family are big "fullscreen" people, and it doesn't make any sense to me, i figure that its better to see it as it was intended to be seen, but i don't know. When you see the "the following movie has been formatted to fit your tv screen" just means that they've lopped the left and right sides of it off for fullscreen.
I prefer full screen to wide screen.......I don't like wide screen...
I only buy the wide screen. I like seeing the whole movie. not the edited one.
samcurry said:
I only buy the wide screen. I like seeing the whole movie. not the edited one.

well crap they edit it......I didn't know that....... :eek:
They edit it by cropping off the two outside edges to make it fit the 4 to 3 ratio of the normal TV screen and computer monitor. Widescreen is something other than that ratio..........16 to 9 comes to mind. But don't quote me on that because I ain't sure.
The next time you buy a TV buy a wide screen model. They do look better...
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