Wifi down, argh!


Team Owner
Jan 22, 2013
About noon Wednesday it died, just came back an hour ago...
Proves how dependent we are on this 'puter things, so what'd I miss?
About noon Wednesday it died, just came back an hour ago...
Proves how dependent we are on this 'puter things, so what'd I miss?
Hmmm..... Noon Wednesday..... Let's see here..... Well, in those 49 or so hours you were offline you missed about 25 new 'Wall' Threads in the Podium. 68 new posts saying the exact same thing about the new package in the NASCAR section. 12 new posts by @AndyMarquisLive expressing his desire for both Supergirl and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. You know, the usual. :D
Lost our Internet (cable) during the ice storm early last Sunday morning. A tree came down and snapped a telephone pole in half, ripping out our cable as well as the power and telephone lines. Got power fixed on Tuesday around dinner time. Cable company teased us by bringing new wire on Wednesday, but didn't hook anything up. Finally hooked us back up (temporarily) around lunchtime on Friday... but the main wire was still laying on the ground. So Saturday afternoon they came back to put that wire up on the poles, but left without finishing that AND they disconnected our signal again too! This morning (Sunday) they did show back up to finish what they started on Saturday, but we had to tell them to hook us back up (they hadn't tested or verified any of their work). So hopefully we'll be good now - as long as they don't show up again to disconnect it for some other reason...

The phone line, on the other hand... I tried to register a service problem via AT&T's web site but found it was a Catch-22 situation. They want you to call it in, which is hard to do when your phone doesn't work because the line is laying broken in the yard. Wednesday I went to one of their stores, and after way too much explaining got them to let me use one of their phones to call in the service problem. Got an automated response that verified that my line was bad, and claimed to create a service ticket. Today (Sunday) tried to check the status of my ticket via their web site, but got another Catch-22. You cannot get to your ticket unless you create an online account with them first (which we had never done before), and part of that process requires you to receive a passcode from them - which they call you to give you. Wife tried to use their online chat, but their rep could not find our ticket and wanted us to call (despite her trying to explain that we can't call on a dead phone). So I suppose it's another trip to their store to see if we can use a phone to try to call them again...
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