Wild Cams


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
Wild Cam

This site is filled with awesome footage of wild animals! The first thing you’re going to want to do when you get here is register. Don’t worry it’s free and it’s pretty instantaneous. Once you’re logged in, you’ll find navigation on the side menu. The sections are: Message Boards, Webcams, Look Again, Animal Guides, More About and Sitemap.

Message Boards – Here you will find six message boards, with each covering a different topic. Each one also has one chat channel. I have two favorite message boards here: Ask Dennis and Wouter on Wildlife.

Webcams – Here you will find the different cams you can watch. The categories under this section are Cam Tracker, Eagles, Kwa Maritane, Ospreys and Lightning Cam. The cams load in a separate window, so you don’t loose your place on the main page. I enjoyed all of the cams, so I can’t really choose a favorite.

Look Again – One of my favorite categories under this section is the Cam Replays. Here you can watch some of the really stunning moments that they’ve caught on tape. Whether you want to see stellar lightning displays or watch the little eaglets get a fish, they are very neat! You will also find Puzzles, a Quiz-List, a Glossary and a Book List. You can also check out the W-O-W (wild animal of the week) section to get an interesting look at some neat critters!

Animal Guides – This is where you can learn all about the animals at each location. These links open in a new window and you can just click the name of the animal that you want to learn about. For example, I chose Kwa Maritane, scrolled through the list of animals and chose Impala. You get to see an image of the animal, learn all about it and even see its hoof print!

More About – This section teaches you more about each location. Chose the location you want to learn about. I again chose Kwa Maritane. It then gives you, not only information about the location, but you also get to see where it’s located on a map, plus a picture of the location. It really helped me to visualize where these animals live.

If you scroll down the homepage, don’t forget to check out the quiz or the Wouter’s Fact section. They were pretty neat too!

All these animal cam sites make me want to visit my zoo. Enjoy!


~ Amanda

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