With the throwback paint schemes...does the Sponor on the car pay anything?


She's crazy.
Feb 21, 2014
I know some sponsors have changed the colour but the name remains the same...Like advocare for bayne has vavloine colours....but ones like hooters...does hooters pay to have their name on the car?
I know some sponsors have changed the colour but the name remains the same...Like advocare for bayne has vavloine colours....but ones like hooters...does hooters pay to have their name on the car?

I would assume so, I can't imagine a race team putting a major sponsor on their car for free, even for one race.
I know some sponsors have changed the colour but the name remains the same...Like advocare for bayne has vavloine colours....but ones like hooters...does hooters pay to have their name on the car?

Geesh Roush sucks at getting sponsors but not that bad. haha
NASCAR teams are a business, so yes, I would say that Hooters is paying for a one race deal.
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